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AppGameKit Classic Chat / Tower Defense [Community Prize Competition]

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Posted: 16th Nov 2021 03:24
I have a great imagination when it comes to code, give me a problem and I will come up with a solution to get round, through or over it, but when it comes to actual content I struggle big time.

Any one know a Country and/or City name generator, I have 20 country's each with between 5 and 20 city's and I want to give them names so in the HUD you get "XXX Is under attack" "You just lost XXX" etc etc, "Land 1" and "City 5" is just not going to cut it.

The city names should befit the country name, so a country with a Nordic type name should have Nordic type city names, Arabic, English ... etc, and of course to be PC I want these to all be fictional, anyone know of a webpage, script or even just a CSV or spreadsheet I can rip some names from??
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Posted: 16th Nov 2021 03:28 Edited at: 16th Nov 2021 03:29
Egypt Verses Zombies Update, I added more effects along with setting up how the defenses work. I added a Health Hud for each Zombie, I am not sure if this is wanted or needed but For now it is in place.

I had about 200 mg in memory so i had to take each animated sprite and scale them down , remake them all and now I am getting only 45 mg in memory with them all loaded at the same time. I decided to only have two to three in each wave or level.

I also added animated boxes and vases that break when there broken down, I am still working to make them look better in animations.

The Game engine is completely finished and set up, now I can start working on each level and each zombie waves.

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Posted: 16th Nov 2021 03:51
Quote: "Any one know a Country and/or City name generator"
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Posted: 16th Nov 2021 03:55
Looking good, keep the health bars they provide vital feedback.

The dozer, plough thing ... that's funny, appeals to my sense of humour that! but when it hits the zombies they just vanish, it looks naff, my advice, spend a couple of days experimenting with 2D Particles .... you wont regret it

Oh, and, you need some sounds!

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Posted: 16th Nov 2021 03:57
Quote: ""

Yes I found quite a few basic ones like that but I was really needing something a little more targeted and advanced, like with regional settings (as mentioned in my post)
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Posted: 16th Nov 2021 04:01 Edited at: 16th Nov 2021 04:02
Quote: " my advice, spend a couple of days experimenting with 2D Particles .... you wont regret it"

Oh, I'm still working that out, I know what you mean, I planned on making them explode, I have the effect already just need to apply it.

Quote: "Oh, and, you need some sounds!"

God Do I know, I wish I could just but that sound pack but can not just yet.

Quote: "The dozer, plough thing ... that's funny, appeals to my sense of humor that! "

Lol, we have the same humor then.

Thank you for the encouragement.
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Posted: 16th Nov 2021 04:17
If you guys would like to start your own threads for the compo then i think it would be easier to follow your progress
Maybe just prefix the title with [Tower defense compo] or something like that.
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Posted: 16th Nov 2021 04:29
Sure Thing, will do, its just that VN said "Feel free to keep us posted on your creation's progress within this Thread."

But its a fair point, this thread will get bogged down pretty quick once all entrants start posting updates, maybe you should edit ^^ that line

In fact, can you change the title of my Lua thread to "[Tower defence compo] PTC's Game"
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Posted: 16th Nov 2021 04:44 Edited at: 16th Nov 2021 05:23
i like the tag idea.

@anyone making a thread involving a submission here, please add [TD] to the thread's title so we can FIND 'EM easily.

anyone who already has a thread started and wants to re-name it to a [TD] WIP thread, feel free to PM a MOD and ask for the change.

Quote: "maybe you should edit ^^ that line"

nah. i definitely wanna see some updates here, too. ie, reached a landmark stage in your game's progress? let's hear it here.

found a new sound effect to add to its menu? not so much
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Posted: 16th Nov 2021 05:05
Yes Yes Yes, we all should have one, I just BM's that search so I can keep an eye on my adversary's

I don't know what's more amazing, the idea or the fact the forum search is working! WooHoo! lol
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Posted: 17th Nov 2021 13:05
This is fun. It's years since I did much with AppGameKit - been too busy programming multi-user interpreting training software. But - I'm in!

Can you clarify two things:

* Assets: May we use TGC asset packs for graphics?
* Encryption: May we use our own?

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Posted: 17th Nov 2021 15:16
Quote: "Can you clarify two things:

* Assets: May we use TGC asset packs for graphics?
* Encryption: May we use our own?"

of course, on all 3 counts

and, welcome back.
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Posted: 17th Nov 2021 18:08
Do I HAVE to use asset protection?

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Posted: 17th Nov 2021 18:10
Good on you Virtual Nomad for making another TGC competition, and Blink and Scraggle for your contribution too and thanks to all the great sponsors.

Through the years I have tried to support as many TGC competitions as I can. They are great for giving motivation to finish a project and a brilliant learning opportunity.

Love that you are including a Beginners Prize, that’s a great idea – I am NOT eligible.

Sometimes it can be off-putting seeing some other people’s amazing work in progress. I would encourage everyone to be proud of their own accomplishments and see it through to the end, you will learn loads.

Anyway, here is some of my initial screenshots of a Totally Unoriginal Tower Defence Game (Name Might Change).

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Posted: 17th Nov 2021 19:46 Edited at: 17th Nov 2021 19:54
Quote: "Do I HAVE to use asset protection?"

Yes. using one of the suggestions in the 2nd post is relatively simple. IE, i tried the Vishnu packer and had everything "protected" in under a minute.

guys, i get that there is freely distributable media out there but i also know that some users have found assets online that they believed was "free" but was actually stolen and posted on an unscrupulous site. we don't want any of that to happen (in or out of this competition).

and, i know that some actually create the media and don't care if it gets distributed. some of that media is going to be so good that we'd have to "police" that, too.

so, what's viable? in the end, "protect it all" (where it really is pretty painless), unless they want to document its creation? i just don't see how to allow NOT protecting it, otherwise (but am open to a solution, there).

meanwhile, welcome back. and jammy, too the screenies look great.

if/when you guys are up for it, create a WIP thread for your idea and include the [TD] tag in the title so we can find them easy enough (see [TD] in my sig).

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Posted: 17th Nov 2021 20:27 Edited at: 17th Nov 2021 20:30
Quote: "Do I HAVE to use asset protection?"

The RULES in the first post have been ammended to clarify the use of asset protection and now reads as follows:
Do utilize a viable form of Asset Protection if an executable is submitted and you are using commercial assets with a licence that requires it

So, if the assets are yours, you don't NEED to protect them.
If they are from any other source (paid or free) you need to check the license to see if you can share them openly. Even free assets don't always allow you to share them.
And if you can't, then you MUST use some form of asset protection!
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Posted: 17th Nov 2021 20:34 Edited at: 17th Nov 2021 20:34
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Posted: 17th Nov 2021 21:24
OK, thanks for the clarification!

Most of my commercial assets don't need protection, but some might.
If I enter the contest, I will also bring in some assets I created myself.

To be on the safe side (and because I'm too lazy to check all licenses), I'll just encrypt everything .


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Posted: 17th Nov 2021 23:05 Edited at: 17th Nov 2021 23:06
Most all my assets are from craft pix so because you have to be a member to download and get lifetime unlimited license use I am going to use the Vishnu packer. It is just to easy not to use.

I will say that asset protection usually is not needed but you never know when some one might steal all your content.

So my suggestion is even if it is all your own content use something unless you do not care about your own work being out there.

Some people will steal your work and then sell it as there own on so many sites.
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Posted: 18th Nov 2021 01:33
Can I get clarification on whether the compiled shaders from the shader pack are already considered protected ?

They are binary data, right?, I would not know but it it possible to decompile them? (Yes or No, please, Not How!!)

Quote: "* Encryption: May we use our own?"

of course, on all 3 counts"

3 counts!, lol, anyway, I am already having fun with this, tis an awesome excuse to create yet another tool to aid me making this project, 4 tools in and no game in sight yet! lol

Have a Tool Makers competition and I'll wipe the floor with ya'll lol
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Posted: 18th Nov 2021 01:44 Edited at: 18th Nov 2021 02:22
@new users,

i've posted a Template for a traditional Tower Defense game i've just written HERE which is heavily commented (as best i can explain) and offered to urge your participation in this contest (along with the Encouragement award ).

it weights in at ~300 lines of code but don't let that impress you too much. go at it "piece by piece" and it should all make sense when you compare it to what's going on on screen.

again, my hope is for more newcomers in this compo but i'll take your learning something new, instead
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Posted: 18th Nov 2021 02:54

New to The Game Creators Forum.
When I saw this contest it intrigued me, it has been so many years since I played a tower defense style game and been about a year since I messed around with AppGameKit Studio, still very much a noob, I may give this a go.

Hopefully with my busy work schedule I will find time to get something created. Can't wait to at least see what everyone creates with AppGameKit at the very least.

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Posted: 18th Nov 2021 03:02 Edited at: 18th Nov 2021 03:09
Quote: "Can I get clarification on whether the compiled shaders from the shader pack are already considered protected ?"

I am not sure what you mean by compiled. As far as tier one is concerned there are two ways of using a shader;
1) Source file in the media folder
2) Embedded in a string in the byte code

Both techniques expose the source code of the shader.

So i would say; If there is no shader source in the media folder and i cannot simply display your .exe (or any other installed file) and see the shader then i guess that's ok

I would urge you to take particular care with this because if you fail to obfsucate the code, in addition to the legal ramifications, you will be doing great harm to janbo who has put many months, days and hours into providing an awesome shader pack for us.
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Posted: 18th Nov 2021 04:29
How do i enter to the competition?, i am new uwu
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Posted: 18th Nov 2021 04:31 Edited at: 18th Nov 2021 04:53
Quote: "How do i enter to the competition?"

just post a submission here before the deadline.

let me rephrase that. when we finalize method of submission (probably a separate submission thread), you'd just post or submit it there and you're in. no formal "registration" required to enter is what i mean
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Posted: 18th Nov 2021 05:45 Edited at: 18th Nov 2021 05:57
Quote: "I would urge you to take particular care"

That is exactly what I am trying to do, I would never dream of doing any harm to janbo, the shader files come in plain text (.ps and .vs) and compiled form (.pc and .vc) (there is an app in the examples folder that compiles the shaders, I want to know how secure is it!)

never mind, I'll figure it out!

Quote: "probably a separate submission thread"

it would need a strict 1 post per person and no comments clause attached or it would just become a mess, just saying
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Posted: 18th Nov 2021 07:09 Edited at: 18th Nov 2021 07:11
Maybe it was already talked about, sorry no time to read the entire thread.

So what about the length, art style and theme of the game? In most competitions usually these are also set to create a fair competition.
If someone implement only 1 level with 1 enemy type and 1 turret type, it is going to be inferior compared to others who implement more.
If someone uses 2D pixel art or simple vector graphics, depends on the taste of the judges it may be inferior if someone team up with an artist and create detailed animations and art or nice 3D graphics.
If someone create in the medieval theme, depends on the taste of the judges it may be inferior compared to a modern day or sci-fi theme and vice-verse.

A comprehensive design document should be provided that set out the basic path, concept and art style.

Just my 2 cents.
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Posted: 18th Nov 2021 08:00 Edited at: 18th Nov 2021 08:03
hi, zigi.

my 2 cents:

i wouldn't want to dial it in as tight as you describe where the criteria, instead, is within the first post with emphasis on Overall Player Experience which encompasses every aspect of a game.

beyond that, you'll have to trust that i can appreciate all themes, styles and play that fit into the TD subgenre.

and my "taste" is "anything that works". i can appreciate it all.

does pixel art belong in a 3d game? sometimes, absolutely.

vector art in an underground setting? the same.

5k poly rhinos in a marshmallow factory? you get the idea if it works together, i'm into it.

finally, for the record, i can envision "1 level with 1 enemy type and 1 turret type" as an amazing game if enough Overall Player Experience is applied.

and, so can you.
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Posted: 18th Nov 2021 21:30 Edited at: 18th Nov 2021 22:03
Great News! has sweetened the pot with 3x 1 Month Premium Subscriptions to their great Resource of 2D & 3D Assets which have been added to 2nd & 3rd Prizes & the "Encouragement" Award!

See the updated First Post for details.

For those still unaware, CraftPix has tons of Free Content, as well. Much of which should find its way into a [TD] Entry!
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Posted: 20th Nov 2021 16:30 Edited at: 20th Nov 2021 17:21
@Virtual Nomad, did you set up a game jam to send the submissions to within
I'm a new user here so basically i'll learn to use AppGameKit Studio while also trying to submit it in time.

A friend gifted me AppGameKit Studio and then told me about this competition, so.. here I am!
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Posted: 20th Nov 2021 17:22
grrr. i guess i didnt post my response so, the short version is that i'm going to try and set it up on itch today.

you're not the first to ask so i'll give it a shot tho i've no experience with setting a comp up there (or anywhere else ).

meanwhile, welcome. and, i did post a template/tutorial on traditional tower defense HERE that you are welcome to "make your own" from. if you have any questions on it, feel free to post them there. otherwise, you dont have to go at it traditionally. just come up with something creative

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Posted: 20th Nov 2021 22:28 Edited at: 20th Nov 2021 22:52
The encoded files of my Shader Pack are meant to be published with our games so...
I want to say that the encoding should be sufficient for this competition as long as the game will not be published for html5.
Also most of the encoding code is actually from an old news article from TGC so credit goes to who ever did the article

@csf91: must be a good friend
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Posted: 20th Nov 2021 22:37
Quote: "credit goes to who ever did the article"

I'm pretty sure that was BatVink
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Posted: 20th Nov 2021 22:40
Yeah he just did alot of articles too
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Posted: 20th Nov 2021 22:55 Edited at: 20th Nov 2021 22:56

take a minute to review the first post where i've tweaked some things, not the least of which is a new Rule:
  • By entering a Submission to this Competition, you Confirm that it is Legal for you to do so.

...for obvious reasons (i was feeing a draft).


i'm juggling work on the itch page and other things and something tells me that i inadvertently disallowed a post from you in response to my last post?

if so, please re-post and i'll take the time to respond properly. if i DIDNT, then i need some fresh air... (either way, i'm stepping outside )


thanks for the clarification on the shaders.
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Posted: 21st Nov 2021 03:09 Edited at: 21st Nov 2021 03:10
Quote: "The encoded files of my Shader Pack are meant to be published with our games so..."

Thanks for the clarification Janbo, I am porting the shader pack code to C++, I'll send it to you when I am done.

Quote: "By entering a Submission to this Competition, you Confirm that it is Legal for you to do so."

Like having a valid licence to use AppGameKit! Just Saying!
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Posted: 21st Nov 2021 08:01
Quote: "Like having a valid licence to use AppGameKit"

And to use any included media according to the license of said media
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Posted: 21st Nov 2021 16:57 Edited at: 21st Nov 2021 18:26
Quote: "@csf91: must be a good friend "

He is, Indeed

Quote: "@csf91,
i'm juggling work on the itch page and other things and something tells me that i inadvertently disallowed a post from you in response to my last post?
if so, please re-post and i'll take the time to respond properly. if i DIDNT, then i need some fresh air... (either way, i'm stepping outside )"

No worries, I understand. All I've wanted to say was: Thank you for the pointers and the TD example, I'll use it to learn but i'll try making my own from 0 as well

*I do have a bit of programming background with C#, and some BASIC knowledge, so in terms of programming i don't start from 0. Been a while tho since last time I've done anything in BASIC.

Edit: Removed the question it was about Tier 1 and 2, but just found it in the documentation.
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Posted: 21st Nov 2021 18:20 Edited at: 21st Nov 2021 18:44
the Competition is now live at

show your support and JOIN UP!

Quote: "Can i load/use those in the studio version?"

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Posted: 21st Nov 2021 20:30
@Virtual Nomad, Thank you for the clarification about the DLCs.
This is a whole different pipeline compared to component-based engines for me so until i get used to it I'll go slow and steady to make sure i don't get any bad habits.

Custom datatypes will come in handy, specially the ability to parse them into/from json as well.

And i'm guessing since this is quite important as per the rules... Asset protection: any suggestion/pointers for that?
Found this in the showcase but I'm still a total novice with AppGameKit Studio/Basic since started literally yesterday.
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Posted: 21st Nov 2021 20:41
see the Resources post HERE re: Asset Protection. i tried the vishnu pack the other day and it went off without a hitch (in under a minute).
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2021 16:48 Edited at: 22nd Nov 2021 16:55
to answer some questions and concerns, the following was amended in the Rules to read:
  • Submission must be a new Creation made with AppGameKit (Classic or Studio).
    > This includes Tier 2 (C++, Xcode, AGKSharp, etc,) as long as it uses the AppGameKit API for the bulk of the game.
    > Users may be asked to provide some code to the Judges to prove that AppGameKit is driving the game.

meanwhile, if you haven't yet, please do join the itch jam where the more participants, the more others will be encouraged to join.
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2021 17:40
Joined, but mine will definitely be an 11th hour submission, I have wondered pretty deep into the rabbit hole!

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Posted: 22nd Nov 2021 21:55
Quote: "I have wondered pretty deep into the rabbit hole!"

When ambition is greater than our initial abilities! That's the fun part lol.

I wasn't able to touch my project for most of the week due to a new work project. I'm our only developer and they want me to basically create a web-based file-sharing app from scratch. Anyone familiar with SAML authentication? lol ugh....
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2021 08:55
Quote: "That's the fun part lol."

Always, no challenge, no point, right?

I am actually learning a great deal about C++ architecture with this project, I have had several epiphanies along the way but with each moment of clarity comes 2 days of code restructuring...

I have already won this competition for even if I come last I have the most valuable prize of all, knowledge!

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Posted: 28th Nov 2021 11:31
Quote: "Submissions must be made as a Windows executable or HTML Export hosted at . "

I only own the trial version of the app. Am I able to creates executables or export to HTML 5?
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Posted: 28th Nov 2021 15:35 Edited at: 28th Nov 2021 15:44
Quote: "I only own the trial version of the app."

from the Classic trial page:
Quote: "The full paid for version includes these key features:
  • Export your project to Android, iOS and HTML5

so i expect you can generate an desktop executable; just not export.

open or create a project and hit F5. then, right-click the project from the list on the left and choose Open Containing Folder.

the executable should be there. try running it.

meanwhile, in case you didn't know, fanatical is running a massive sale. you can buy Classic for $5 at the 2nd tier and, in essence, get a bunch of free DLC products to boot.
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Posted: 28th Nov 2021 16:48
Quote: "meanwhile, in case you didn't know, fanatical is running a massive sale. you can buy Classic for $5 at the 2nd tier and, in essence, get a bunch of free DLC products to boot."

Yes, I just bought the AppGameKit Bundle 2 for like $3.00, finely I will have the sound pack I wanted.
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Posted: 29th Nov 2021 03:39 Edited at: 29th Nov 2021 03:39
Is this considered a tower defense game?

I used to play it all the time when I was in high school!
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Posted: 29th Nov 2021 04:26 Edited at: 29th Nov 2021 04:32
Quote: "Is this considered a tower defense game?"

i'd say No. it appears that you "win" Bot Brigade by being Offensive while the TD premise for the comp is:
Quote: ""Protect or Defend against Waves of Adversaries via strategic placement of Towers or Obstacles""

otherwise, you could say any game with a defensive aspect is Tower Defense, which most are not.

i'd still like to see bot brigade remade (or similar, in AGK) just not for this comp.

meanwhile, please don't start another wave of "how about this? is this TD?" posts like the ones we staved off early on. read the requirements and if you have a question as to whether or not your idea "qualifies", feel free to PM me, blink or scraggle.

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