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FPSC Classic Product Chat / SUL 3D - My first game developed on FPSC

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Joined: 8th Aug 2020
Posted: 17th Dec 2021 19:35

Good afternoon everyone, a year ago I discovered the FPSC engine and started tinkering with it as I had time off work (a few hours a day). I ended up starting a project anyway and finished it after leaving work, I chose to do it in the first version of FPSC so it would look very old. It's my first project so I already imagined it wouldn't turn out 100% as I wanted but I was still satisfied with the result.

The story revolves around my country: Rio Grande do Sul, a country currently occupied by Brazil

In the game's history, an integralist dictatorship (integralism is like a Brazilian Nazism) takes power at the same time that a socialist movement takes power in Uruguay and Argentina. Rio Grande do Sul is a country that borders Uruguay and Argentina and shares many of their customs and traditions, so the same socialist movement gains strength in Rio Grande do Sul. You are a member of this movement and must fight the Integralist troops.

Anyone who can afford it, please help by buying the game, my plan is to make this the first in a trilogy, where each game gets better in every way.
My website is in Portuguese but you can use google translator to understand:


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Joined: 29th Mar 2017
Posted: 19th Dec 2021 13:34 Edited at: 19th Dec 2021 13:36
looks interesting, but please put some lighting in those levels, they look really flat. maybe mess around with the ambient lighting settings aswell
taking a break from fpsc for now
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Joined: 19th Feb 2012
Location: Hendersonville,NC
Posted: 19th Dec 2021 21:47
Corleone Well done and congrats on your first finished game Hope it goes well.
Note, we do have a section called "Classic Showcase" to show off new games made with fpsc.
Maybe a Moderator can move it there?

Your website looks nice though, a little more info on the game would be good. Maybe some in-game play recordings? Also, how many levels ?
You should come visit the new FPSC Discord channel and join up. Lots of members just like you also making games.
Best luck,
** WHERE'S MY eXplosys ? **

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