This uses two objects. A box (camera) and a sphere (lookat). It attaches the sphere to the box and the moves the sphere along the z axis -5 units.
Think of the box as the car cabin and the sphere as the bonnet.
Then it positions the box at the starting point.
In the loop;
1. Depending on the x position of the mouse it will rotate the camera object left or right (Around the Y axis)
2. Depending on the y position of the mouse it will rotate the camera object up or down (Around the X axis)
3. Depending on the state of the UP/DOWN/RIGHT/LEFT keys it will move the camera object
4. It gets the height at cameraX and cameraZ from the heightmap
5. it sets the camera to that position and makes the camera "look at" the lookat object
// Move/Strafe + Mouselook
// By: Virtual Nomad
// show all errors
#constant KEY_LEFT=37
#constant KEY_UP=38
#constant KEY_RIGHT=39
#constant KEY_DOWN=40
// set window properties
SetWindowSize( 1280,720, 0 )
SetWindowAllowResize( 1 )
// set display properties
SetVirtualResolution( 1280,720)
SetOrientationAllowed( 1, 1, 1, 1 )
SetSyncRate( 30, 0 )
SetScissor( 0,0,0,0 )
UseNewDefaultFonts( 1 )
SetSkyBoxSunColor( 0,192,255 )
terrain = CreateObjectFromHeightMap("YellowStone.png", 1024,192,1024,4,1)
SetObjectImage(terrain, LoadImage("YellowStone.png"),0 )
SetObjectColorEmissive(terrain, 128,64,0)
cx# = 512.0 : cz# = 512.0
Sensitivity# = 0.05
Scale# = 0.5
Step# = 2
camera = CreateObjectBox(1,1,1)
SetObjectVisible(camera, 0)
lookat = CreateObjectSphere(0.2,8, 8)
SetObjectColor(lookat, 0xff, 0, 0, 0xff)
FixObjectToObject(lookat, camera)
MoveObjectLocalZ(lookat, -5)
SetObjectPosition(camera, cx#, 0, cz#)
If GetRawKeyState(27) then Exit
//~ MMX# = GetPointerX()-640.0 : MMY# = GetPointerY()-360.0
//~ CAMYA# = GetCameraAngleY(1)
//~ SetCameraRotation(1, GetCameraAngleX(1)+MMY#*Sensitivity#, CAMYA# + MMX#*Sensitivity#, 0)
//~ angle# = GetCameraAngleY(1)
//~ if GetJoystickX() <> 0.0 or GetJoystickY() <> 0.0
//~ cx# = cx# + SIN(angle#)* -GetJoystickY()*5.0 //Move
//~ cz# = cz# + COS(angle#)* -GetJoystickY()*5.0
//~ cx# = cx# + SIN(angle#+90)* GetJoystickX()*5.0 //Strafe
//~ cz# = cz# + COS(angle#+90)* GetJoystickX()*5.0
//~ ray = ObjectRayCast(terrain,cx#,200,cz#,cx#,-16,cz#)
//~ cy# = GetObjectRayCastY(0)
//~ SetCameraPosition(1,cx#,cy#+10,cz#)
//~ Endif
mx# = GetPointerX()
my# = GetPointerY()
ax# = ((GetVirtualWidth() / 2) - mx#) * -1
ay# = (GetVirtualheight() / 2) - my#
SetObjectRotation(camera, ay# * scale#, ax# * scale#, 0)
cy# = GetObjectHeightMapHeight(terrain, GetObjectX(camera), GetObjectZ(camera))
SetObjectPosition(camera, GetObjectX(camera), cy# + 1, GetObjectZ(camera))
SetCameraPosition(1, GetObjectX(camera), GetObjectY(camera), GetObjectZ(camera))
SetCameraLookAt(1, GetObjectWorldX(lookat), GetObjectWorldY(lookat), GetObjectWorldZ(lookat), 0)
if GetRawKeyState(KEY_UP)
MoveObjectLocalZ(camera, -Step#)
if GetRawKeyState(KEY_DOWN)
MoveObjectLocalZ(camera, Step#)
if GetRawKeyState(KEY_RIGHT)
MoveObjectLocalX(camera, -Step#)
if GetRawKeyState(KEY_LEFT)
MoveObjectLocalX(camera, Step#)
Print("[UP/DOWN/RIGHT/LEFT] - Move/Strafe | [MouseLook]")