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DarkBASIC Professional Discussion / get ftp dir$() always returns ""

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Joined: 26th Oct 2016
Posted: 9th Oct 2022 23:10
I've setup an ftp server on my poweredge server. I can connect via local on my house PC. I can connect on my phone off wifi aka external network. Ports are forwarded. On house PC and phone I get directory listings and can manipulate files normally.

However, in darkbasic pro I cannot get it to list the directory, always returns an empty string, hence any file manipulations are erroring. years ago I had no issues with this, everything worked fine. Anyone have any idea what is going on? I am using v1.069 due to the latest open source version will not sync correctly causing screen not to refresh.
Bored of the Rings
User Banned
Posted: 10th Oct 2022 06:51
I'll send you my new updated dbpro FTP DLL. I fixed it a while back and added some other commands
Pro Programmer / Data Scientist, languages: SAS, C++, SQL, PL-SQL, DBPro, Purebasic, JavaScript, others
Bored of the Rings
User Banned
Posted: 10th Oct 2022 12:57 Edited at: 10th Oct 2022 13:01
also see links here:
Pro Programmer / Data Scientist, languages: SAS, C++, SQL, PL-SQL, DBPro, Purebasic, JavaScript, others


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Joined: 26th Oct 2016
Posted: 10th Oct 2022 21:27
Good loord you are fantastic. It works! Thank you much

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