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AppGameKit Studio Chat / Some AGKS features are not yet functional.

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Posted: 17th Dec 2022 08:54
Note: This command does not currently work needs the ability to draw wireframe in AGK.
(Plus wireframe would be handy.)

SaveObject( objID, szFilename )
Not yet functional.

Plus other 3D physics commands are needed to connect to the physics engine. Eg- various vehicle physics commands.

BASIC appeared in May 1964. Lightning flashed, the wind roared and the Earth moved.
And nine months later I was born.
So here I am.
I am Basic.
Code is in my genes.
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Joined: 22nd Feb 2013
Location: the land of oz
Posted: 18th Dec 2022 02:19 Edited at: 18th Dec 2022 02:20
I have a very crude saveobject. It doesn't work for multiple meshes and animation though

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