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AppGameKit Studio Chat / Not exactly pathfinding

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Posted: 20th Dec 2022 20:10
Testing a simple idea for object avoidance - it only works out in the open with circular collision objects.
I guess if an NPC gets hooked up on an obstacle you could try having it walk off in a random direction
before turning back to the target.

BASIC appeared in May 1964. Lightning flashed, the wind roared and the Earth moved.
And nine months later I was born.
So here I am.
I am Basic.
Code is in my genes.


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Retired Moderator
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Playing: AGK is my friend
Posted: 20th Dec 2022 23:58
On the below thread you will see a random walk algorythm which may help and some great suggestions from scraggle
to improve works best if your working in a gid style environment. There's also some great function by blink0k on same page
ideally one of the most effective terrain followers I found was by chafari thats on the forum somewhere

This thread uses a cheat style approach from the movement of cars originally which i placed invisible objects to the left and right in from of a car
it worked for the car dynamics but maybe not what you might be looking for.

Good luck and have a great Christmas
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Location: Australia
Posted: 21st Dec 2022 11:20
Thanks very much fubarpk.
So many goodies in that thread... almost feels like Christmas.

Grabbed a copy of "Map generator using the Random Walk Algorithm".

Also grabbed "3D Clouds Shader" , been thinking of trying a 3D model aircraft using the physics system.
Cheers mate.
BASIC appeared in May 1964. Lightning flashed, the wind roared and the Earth moved.
And nine months later I was born.
So here I am.
I am Basic.
Code is in my genes.

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