1st I can't believe these threads are still open anyways on to my issue
I'm currently using DarkGDK for learning purposes and currently I am unable to render enemy bullet sprites, or explosion animations for DarkGDK sample code Dark Invaders
Link to Dark Invaders Sample Code: https://github.com/Memorix101/darkgamekit/tree/master/examples/Dark%20Invaders
Visual Studio Version: Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition
DirectX version: Direct X 9 Microsoft DirectX SDK (August 2007)
Dark GDK Version: Dark GDK - 161107 link: https://archive.org/details/dark-gdk-161107
Issue: Bolt2 image asset won't display and explosion animations don't work despite code is correct.
enemy bullet sprite example: "Bolt2.png"
explosion animation example: "boom.0001"
OS System: Windows 10
If there's anyone left who can help let me know
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