I'm unsure if this is a bug or I'm doing something wrong. This used to work a while back.
Joystick is connected and detected as Index 1, Getting Up/Down/Left/Right values from GetJoystickX/Y work fine.
However using GetRawJoystickButtonPressed/Released/State calls yield a null result for any button pressed.
print ("Joystick X: " + str(GetJoystickX()))
print ("Joystick Y: " + str(GetJoystickY()))
JoyButtons$="Joystick1 Buttons: "
for i = 1 to 64
a = GetRawJoystickButtonPressed(1,i)
if(a <> 0)
JoyButtons$ = JoyButtons$ + str(i) + " , "
next i
print (JoyButtons$)
What am I doing fundamentally wrong?
Thank you