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AppGameKit Studio Chat / Loki GUI - Virtual Buttons [ code ]

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Posted: 20th Aug 2023 22:48 Edited at: 21st Aug 2023 01:29
Hi All,

Thought I'd share this.. as the inbuilt Virtual Button functionality has various drawbacks.

It's a snippet from my new GUI system, it's a WIP but thought this might help others.

So quite simply..

On intialise / start of program.. to create a button

Then in main loop.. call this function to update the on and off press

The VirtualButton functionally can process the selection / mouse click in the usual manner..

All the best,

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Posted: 21st Aug 2023 21:23 Edited at: 22nd Aug 2023 14:00
Updated - sprite_id and text_id are now assigned dynamically...

Creation and event handling :

And an example of how it looks ..


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User Banned
Posted: 22nd Aug 2023 09:25

I can't test any of this as yet but from what I've seen of your works already

I'm pretty sure that this is good and useful also.

Thanks for your codings for later
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2023 12:32
Hi Aidan,

It's simply a starting point for others to expand upon - and it's always nice to contribute.

There should be space in the November / December Newsletter detailing what I've been up to using AGK.


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