Hi Yeshu777,
I have not got a Pi5 yet, but from the experiences with the Pi4, and the fact that AppGameKit does not seem to run yet in RaspiOS Bookworm (under Tier1), the first thing to fix is the ability to run in the newest OS. The Pi5 probably will not support older versions for long.
So far in my bench, AppGameKit only has worked up to Raspi4, Bullseye 64. With Tboy's PiPlayer, practically all issues with the pi4 are solved.
Later this week I am receiving an Orange Pi 5 plus, and will do some tests, hopefully something will work under AppGameKit, either on debian or ubuntu. These variations of the pi are based on RockChip, which the only concern I had some four years ago is that it does not run OMX, but now the raspberry pi does not run as well, or at least is not included nor supported, which in the long term is not convenient, so if I have to work on an alternative player for playing media, like tstreamer or vlc, I'd better use a long term solution. (our application shows programmed videos with instructions before entering the main app).
Let's go to Mars