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DarkBASIC Professional Discussion / Ultrawide Support in DarkBASIC

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Joined: 25th Oct 2023
Posted: 25th Oct 2023 17:49
Is there a "hacky" way to implement ultrawide support for monitors when building a game via DarkBAISC? Or, is anyone currently working on modifying the C++ "behind-the-scenes" code of DarkBASIC to support ultrawide resolutions...? I've been digging into DarkBASIC rersources and forums like this today and haven't seen mention of whether it is an ongoing hobby project for anyone or if there's been clever methods of implementing it
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Posted: 27th Oct 2023 18:31
If you mean DarkBasicPro there is no problem with setting resolution to wide, as I know.
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Posted: 27th Oct 2023 23:23
This falls into a category if DBP issues where so few people do it, there's bound to be under reported issues. For example using sprites. Changing the U/V data one one sprite resets them all. You'd think someone would have noticed this over the years.

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Posted: 6th Nov 2023 19:14
What do you get from the DESKTOP WIDTH() & DESKTOP HEIGHT() commands?

DBPro Probably only reports the Primary Screen Bounds anyway!
Although it can report all the different display modes & graphics card's I can't remember a way of selecting a Graphics Card other than the primary card same for the screen, Lee new commands Pleeeeez'.
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Posted: 6th Nov 2023 23:45
DBP is a directx 9 programming environment. Games from that era have certain characteristics.

You would commonly see a game launch with a really low "safe" display mode. You'd have to go into settings and up the resolution.

You would commonly see a game store a list of graphics cards, and a list of recommended settings for each. Then a much newer card would not be auto detected properly and be set to minimums.

You would also see games ship with launchers, that allow you to set graphics options before actually launching the game.

Requirements to restart the game entirely to make graphics settings take effect.
Having controllers that were not plugged in when the game launched remain invisible until the game was launched with them plugged in already.

These are common issues with DirectX9 games.

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Posted: 7th Nov 2023 19:07
Ahh the good old days...

It's been a while but I'm sure my DX9 setup supported ultrawide monitors, multiple monitors and even multiple DX9 cards, my friend went OTT and connected all his monitors 3x2 I don't know what resolution he had them set at
My setup just had 3 in a row with the two outside ones being my older lower resolution monitors my desktop spanned all three as did some games!

That said I've never tried DBPros ability of utilising this space so don't know what the result's will be, but I know DX9 supports multiple monitors so: 3 x 1920 = 5760 and since 3440 is the resolution for a typical 34" monitor mathematically it should be possible again whether DBPro plays ball is different ballgame all together!

Good Luck
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Posted: 7th Nov 2023 20:26
Hi hworth
here's some old code I had lying around, unfortunately DBP no longer supports setting which graphics card to use, which makes performing a checklist for graphics card of no use also! (IMO)
you may be able to work out what's available.

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