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AppGameKit Classic Chat / Playing with AGK and Copilot of Microsoft

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Joined: 1st Mar 2022
Posted: 10th Feb 2024 16:26
It becomes extremely fun to code now.
Although it has some mistakes sometimes.
It writes the code specifically for AGK.

Who said that AI be bad?
"Copilot : "How do I smooth vertices for my drawing app in 2d and in 3d, write it in AGK"

So I basically get the functions. still have to work them trough.
Its pretty awesome!

You should try it. Still designing my own content and ideas.
But some functions like Euler rotations are now made extremely easy.
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Posted: 10th Mar 2024 16:50
Quote: "Who said that AI be bad?"

me! who relies coding it myself to get a paycheck! lol

I asked chatgpt to write me a function for something, it gave me the function header with a comment inside saying to fill in the implementation of said function myself....
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"I like offending people, because I think people who get offended should be offended." - Linus Torvalds

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Posted: 11th Mar 2024 16:42
Quote: "Who said that AI be bad?"

Plenty of people and rightly so, at least when it comes to generative AI.

Anyone who values human creativity, skill, and authenticity. Anyone who doesn't want any work they've ever posted online to be scraped and fed into a machine that is meant to put them out of work. Anyone who values the earth's limited natural resources. Anyone who doesn't want the internet to be overrun with disinformation, scams and content farm generated garbage at an exponential rate. Anyone who doesn't want theirs or their children's faces and voices stolen from a single photo or audio clip for the purposes of ransom, bullying and deepfaked you-know-what. This isn't speculation -- all of this is happening right now and it's only getting worse.

Machine learning is great and useful for medical research and similar applications. But that's where it should stay, at least until heavy regulations are put in place. There are no positive use cases for generative AI in content creation that justify all of the horrifically bad ones.

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