You found the problem before I logged in again. Yes, it was the "str ScreenFPS()" part. It can also be: agk.print_value(f"FPS = {agk.screen_fps()}")
The speed comparison between tier 1 and AppGameKit for Python is very close.
Bear in mind that AppGameKit for Python has some limitations at the moment:
* doesn't run on Android, iOS, or Mac
* distribution is limited on Linux.
PyInstaller can be used to make standalone Windows executables, though.
In the future, discussions specific to AppGameKit for Python might be better done at
A lot of the code you have in your loop should be outside of your loop:
agk.set_clear_color(0, 100, 0)
jump1 = agk.create_text("Hello World")
agk.set_text_size(jump1, 90)
# snip
agk.set_text_color(jump1, 100, 0, 50, 255)
agk.set_text_visible(jump1, 1)
No need to delete jump1 and recreate it. The rest of these lines are set up code that can be above the while loop. That would go for the Tier 1 code as well.