Quote: "I've made the updated IDE.exe available on my AGKRepo fork if anyone wants to give it a try, feedback welcome."
Hi Zaxxan, thanks for the updates to AppGameKit Studio.
As a user of AppGameKit Studio here's a bit of feedback I'd like to offer please. Here are a few minor revisions which if implemented could give a real boost to user productivity, and hopefully it would be trivial to implement these because the existing infrastructure probably already exists within the IDE's source code:
1. The ability to assign keyboard shortcuts, or hotkeys, to additional IDE commands that are not currently listed in the Edit-->Preferences-->Keyboard Shortcuts setting window.
1.A. For example, "Debug:" and "Debug Step:" are currently included in Keyboard Shortcuts, but the closely related IDE commands "break", "continue", "step over" and "step out" are all excluded from hotkey mapping, even though these unsupported commands already exist in the debugger window as command buttons on the top row.
2.B. Another example: Although not listed in Keyboard Shortcuts, the hotkey <Ctrl + E> will toggle automated commenting to line(s) of code based on the current cursor position, by adding or removing "//~" to the line(s) of text. This and other unlisted hotkey combinations should/could ideally be exposed and listed as entries in the Keyboard Shortcuts section, allowing the user to customize the hotkey.
1.C There are many commands listed in the GUI drop-down menus, some with hotkeys and some without hotkeys, but many of these same commands are excluded from the Keyboard Shortcuts setting window (including even commands listed within the menus having existing hotkeys assigned). It would be ideal if every drop-down menu item could be listed in the Edit-->Preferences-->Keyboard Shortcuts setting window, and made assignable / editable for its hotkey.
1.D There is no hotkey for toggling bookmarks (the command "Bookmark toggle" from the pop-up context menu (right mouse button))
2. A command to navigate upward and downward to bookmarks. similar to the existing "Go to Line <Ctrl + L>" command. Perhaps <Alt + PgUp> and <Alt + PgDn> could be assigned to this pair of commands for "Go to previous bookmark" and "Go to next bookmark" respectively.
I hope this feedback is helpful, and if any or all of these could be implemented in a future version of AppGameKit Studio that would be great! Thanks.