Pfaber1 wrote: "You know I think AppGameKit has been worked on more since being open source. Which is awesome. I was gonna try something else but I think AppGameKit S will be around for sometime and looking at the competition I'm in no hurry."
I totally agree, I really do enjoy using AppGameKit Studio in particular. AGKS has a unique blend of features that seem to fill a particular niche and strikes a certain balance, great for iterative programming and game design experimentation. Just the general experience of using this system seems like no other, and it is like the software so to speak "spiritual successor" to older systems such as Mandarin STOS and AMOS.
I do hope that AGK's open-sourced aspects will create continued opportunities for its future enhancement, support and modification as time goes on. If I understand correctly, AGK's licensing has not changed, so in that sense it is not open source, but its codebase has been made open. As I understand it, this opened code transparency gives the opportunity for anyone to be able to revise or add new features for their own use, with the added possibility that The Game Creators could officially adopt such enhancements into future versions of AGKS. I am not entirely certain that this is the case, but that's just my current understanding of it.
Maybe in the future The Game Creators will enhance a future version of AppGameKit by including some type of native encryption feature to protect the media assets of projects, or like you said wrap them together (the executable and the media files) into a single contained or fused .exe file. That would be a good addition.
But in any case, AGKS is so flexible that such a feature (some type of encryption) can be programmed or possibly even created as an extension, even without the open source aspect if necessary. Thanks for sharing the information about hook folder locker .zip and for creating this informative forum thread.