Answer to a common question
DBP Is plenty powerful for the majority of the game makers out there. C++ is for people who are willing to take years of their life, to make an 'ok' game.
Dark Basic Pro is pretty much only limited by Direct X. Dont get me wrong it has its limitations, but a lot is Direct X.
The caliber of your game, if your into visuals, is decided by your own skill. People think games made in DBP dont look good, well thats usually because the artists behind them werent good.
Keep in mind that gaming companies that release games for PS2, Xbox, Gamecube and such are big companies with PROFESSIONALS doing the 3D/2D work. Most the DBP'ers are hobbiests.
If you can make stunning 3D models and 2D graphics, then you can make a visually stunning game with DBP. 3000 Polies is plenty enough to make a good model, and with a good texture on it, its par with pretty much anything on the market right now.
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