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DarkBASIC Discussion / lOOk before my head explodes!!!!

dark coder
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2002 18:42
right then thanks for looking,


i have a .txt file with the folowing paramaters in:


the first on is the object nuber the second is transparency 3rd= ? 4th= something else.

i want my program the read this eg: detect how many line are in the .txt file and to read it.

my code will make an object then first one
position it etc how do io do it.

----- dark coder -----
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2002 19:27
hmm, I think I know what your trying to do, but the way I did it was to use an array.
for example :
DIM infofile( info here about the object, position, so on )

then u can:
save array "drive:\filename",infofile(0)

then when you need it, load the array, and read the info from it to create the objects.

I hope that has helped


dark coder
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Posted: 24th Nov 2002 13:05
well i already thought of that but what i want is a file with a big list of the object infos, like a .x file with the list of all the faces+positions
all i wanna know is how to read the first line then second line of the .txt file, i know it is possible


----- dark coder -----
Kohai of UWDesign
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Posted: 24th Nov 2002 18:25
This is a simple and old sequencial file-access snippet :

Now concerning a CSV (Comma Separated Vars ) format parser, try to look at the mistr$() & instr$() functions, posted in this thread :

Basically, what you do is get the first comma in line. You then extract tha datas between start_of_line & comma_pos. Do this for each comma, and there you have a CSV parser ! ^^

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