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DarkBASIC Discussion / Free for next tutorial

Years of Service
User Offline
Joined: 27th Oct 2002
Posted: 24th Nov 2002 13:55
Hi i made a tutorial for u on making lots of moltable objects in your games:
here it is:
Years of Service
User Offline
Joined: 27th Oct 2002
Posted: 24th Nov 2002 13:56
Sorry but the download is not showing i'll see if i can fix it.
Years of Service
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Joined: 27th Oct 2002
Posted: 24th Nov 2002 14:06
I know this may sound a bit stupid but i don't know how to put a download on this site is this part please help.
Years of Service
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Joined: 26th Aug 2002
Location: Earth, Brisbane, Australia
Posted: 25th Nov 2002 04:55
u cant attach here u have to make some webspace and hyperlink it from there.

some isp free sites like geocities do not like external linking so point us to a website page for best results.

Years of Service
User Offline
Joined: 27th Oct 2002
Posted: 25th Nov 2002 18:12
Thanks but i cant do that but i will just show u people here it is:

For Next Command

This command Gets quit a few people get confused with it's uses but no more the following examples will stop people getting confused with it.
In lots of game people have lots of the same object in their game but once people have put lots of one object in then they can do it with other object but I have solved that problem.
look at the following example:
sync on
sync rate 30
set camera range 1,50000

rem make cubes
for a=0 to 10
make object box 1+a,400,400,400
position object 1+a,-2000+(a*600),0,0

next a

rem make spheres
for b=0 to 10
make object sphere 12+b,400
position object 12+b,-2000+(b*600),0,800

next b

rem position camera down at objects
`move camera 50
pitch camera down 90
move camera -8000
In this coding above the first number of :
make object box 1+a,400,400,400
position object 1+a,100+(a*400),200,38000
texture object 1+a,1
make object sphere 12+b,400,400,400
position object 12+b,21400+(b*400),200,38000
texture object 12+b,4
is the current object number. The +a is to inform the program that it has to make the number of object wanted in the for a=0 to 10 and the same with the +b.

then codes:
for a=0 to 10
for b=0 to 10
Is the number of objects you want to be make.
so when you are wanting more of two object then all you have to do is on the boxes take the object number which is 1 and add the number u want to that which is 10 and the answer is 11.
so when you want to add the spheres to it the object number has to be 12 because 11 is the last boxes number and to put the spheres into it you put the next number which is 12.
But if you put the following the numbers have to change:
sync on
sync rate 30
set camera range 1,50000

rem make cubes
for a=0 to 10
make object box 1+a,400,400,400
position object 1+a,-2000+(a*600),0,0

next a

rem make cylinder
make object cylinder 12,400
position object 12,0,0,800

rem make spheres
for b=0 to 10
make object sphere 13+b,400
position object 13+b,-2000+(b*600),0,1400

next b

rem position camera down at objects
`move camera 50
pitch camera down 90
move camera -8000
because you have added a cylinder in between the to the spheres number has to change to 13 because the cylinder is 12 and therefore the sphere has to be 13 to leave 1 number empty for the cylinder.

and here is the example i made to go with it:

rem ==========================================
rem ==========================================
rem This program shows use of object sliding
rem collision and simple gravity influences
rem ------------------------------------------
autocam off : sync rate 60
hide mouse : sync on

rem Make four walls
make object box 1,10,200,1000 : position object 1,-500,100,0 : color object 1,rgb(155,40,20)
make object box 2,10,200,1000 : position object 2, 500,100,0 : color object 2,rgb(155,40,20)
make object box 3,1000,200,10 : position object 3, 0,100,-500 : color object 3,rgb(155,40,20)
make object box 4,1000,200,10 : position object 4, 0,100, 500 : color object 4,rgb(155,40,20)

rem Make a floor and create texture for it
make object box 5,1000,10,1000 : position object 5,0,-5,0 : color object 5,rgb(0,255,0)
create bitmap 1,32,32 : cls rgb(0,155,0) : ink rgb(0,145,0),0 : box 4,4,12,12
get image 1,0,0,32,32 : delete bitmap 1 : texture object 5,1
scale object texture 5,200,200

rem Make a pedestal steps
for t=0 to 4
make object box 6+t,50,8,50
position object 6+t,0,4+(t*10),100+(t*50)
color object 6+t,rgb(100,200,100)
next t

rem Make a player object (and a non-rotated collision box for it)
make object cube 11,10
position object 11,0,0,0
color object 11,rgb(20,100,255)
make object collision box 11,-5,-5,-5,5,5,5,0
disable object zdepth 11

rem Make a pedestal steps
for t=0 to 4
make object box 13+t,50,8,50
position object 13+t,100,4+(t*10),100+(t*50)
color object 13+t,rgb(100,200,100)
next t

rem Make the pedastal use non-rotated box collision
for t=0 to 4
make object collision box 6+t,-25,-4,-25,25,4,25,0
make object collision box 13+t,-25,-4,-25,25,4,25,0
next t

rem Make the wall and floor objects into static objects (for auto-camera collision)
for t=1 to 5
make static object t
objx#=object position x(t)
objy#=object position y(t)
objz#=object position z(t)
objsx#=object size x(t)/2.0
objsy#=object size y(t)/2.0
objsz#=object size z(t)/2.0
make static collision box objx#-objsx#,objy#-objsy#,objz#-objsz#,objx#+objsx#,objy#+objsy#,objz#+objsz#
delete object t
next t

rem Make sky black
color backdrop 0

rem Start off player gravity

rem Main loop

rem User prompts
ink rgb(255,255,0),0

rem Store old positions
oldposx#=object position x(11)
oldposy#=object position y(11)
oldposz#=object position z(11)

rem Control player object
if upkey()=1 then move object 11,2
if downkey()=1 then move object 11,-2
if leftkey()=1 then yrotate object 11,wrapvalue(object angle y(11)-3)
if rightkey()=1 then yrotate object 11,wrapvalue(object angle y(11)+3)
if spacekey()=1 and playergrav#=0.0 then playergrav#=4.0

rem Get current object position
posx#=object position x(11)
posy#=object position y(11)
posz#=object position z(11)

rem Handle a touch of gravity

rem Handle sliding collision for player object with other objects
position object 11,posx#,posy#,posz#
if object collision(11,0)>0
dec posx#,get object collision x()
dec posy#,get object collision y()
dec posz#,get object collision z()

rem Set a size for the player object
s#=object size y(11)/2.0

rem Ensure camera stays out of static collision boxes
if get static collision hit(oldposx#-s#,oldposy#-s#,oldposz#-s#,oldposx#+s#,oldposy#+s#,oldposz#+s#,posx#-s#,posy#-s#,posz#-s#,posx#+s#,posy#+s#,posz#+s#)=1
dec posx#,get static collision x()
dec posy#,get static collision y()
dec posz#,get static collision z()
if get static collision y()<>0.0 then playergrav#=0.0

rem Update with new object position
position object 11,posx#,posy#,posz#

rem Use camera tracker to follow player object
angle#=object angle y(11)
camdist#=25.0 : camhigh#=posy#+10.0 : camfade#=3.5
set camera to follow posx#,posy#,posz#,angle#,camdist#,camhigh#,camfade#,1

rem Tilt camera down a little
xrotate camera 15

rem For fun, slightly move pedastal step
move object 10,0.01

rem Update screen

rem End loop

rem Restore object if ever leave this loop
enable object zdepth 11

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