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Geek Culture / Just something I want to clear up

Major Payn
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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 06:31 Edited at: 18th Jan 2004 06:33
Why do people from Britain hate America so much? I am an American and dont seem to understand this. I just want to say that you should'nt believe what you see on your news stations,and you should'nt just believe what you hear. Americans are hard working (for the most part, Me excluded lol) honest people. Sure we have a retard president but it was either him or that tree hugger Gore.

I dont agree with the president and most people dont. Also I am from Texas and we are not like bush, Bush is a retard. We do not like to go to war but we were attacked and alot of are good people were killed, If you were attacked I think you would be mad to. America and Britain are supposed to be allies I do not hate britain I actually kind of like the country it looks like a nice place to live. But it seems that yall think the direct opposite of america. You probably see some reporter talking crap about america and believe every word! But you are not here you dont know the people. You can not think of the whole population as something by looking at silly stereotypes (pretty sure that was spelled incorrectly). So before you start spouting off about america, think about what you are saying, think about what it would be like if you were in this country.
I just wanted to say that because I feel like america is just hated by so many people. I dont want to be hated. And I just hate when people start talking a bunch of crap about america with out any merit at all. I love my country and am behind it every step of the way even when I strongly disagree (the war in iraq). Maybe if I was alittle older I could have voted for a different president, I am only 15 lol.

PS:Bush is a retard! America is cool! So is england! and france I guess! Oh yeah and Germany! And canadia!
oh I almost forgot, Australia is cool to! That steve irwen is crazy with the baby dangling and all that, but he is still fun to watch. Gooday mates!

I hope that pleases everybody lol

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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 06:34
I live in America too but I like it, even though the current president is pretty stupid. I like it because it's free! I'm not against any other countries at all. I would like to learn French sometime.

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Major Payn
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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 06:38
Yeah I want to learn french or German but all my school has is spanish. Oh well.

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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 06:39
My school teaches French but not Spanish, and I will be learning it next year.

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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 06:40 Edited at: 18th Jan 2004 06:41
We don't. Everyone else does. You are just stereotyped to be a bit stupid. And your presidents don't tend to help.

Incidentally, I like Americans (from living on a US air base in Italy when I was a kid). Especially their really cheap houses (Florida for example) compared to London prices. Hehehe. Nope, fully intend to move there in a couple of years. That is if it's still there/ not built a wall around itself by then.


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Preston C
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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 06:52
Quote: "Why do people from Britain hate America so much?"

Because were a bunch of rich, power hungry, oil craving snobs who are led by the dummest leader of all time. Thats why the british hate us so much!


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John H
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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 06:57
Quote: "Yeah I want to learn french or German but all my school has is spanish. Oh well"

Oh yes. Same for us. I hate Spanish. She continually calls me "Juan" when my name is "John" calls "Packets" "packages" and basically is a total B**CH.

I dubbed her "The Spanish Nazi" or if we are feeling especially mean "Spanish Spawn of Satan"


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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 07:09
They don't really, but we certainly get the brunt of a lot of aggresive and pretty much baseless attacks that people love making. It's primarily over the Iraq issue today, though before that there's always some other reason-- everyone needs something to pick on I suppose. I'm a big supporter of Bush and think he's a great leader. I suggest you do a bit more research and look beyond the idle chatter before drawing conclusions in an issue of such gravity.

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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 07:48
Payn - You say most people don't like Bush? How about the polls saying most people agree that he's a good president? And it's not Canadia, it's Canada!
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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 08:05
british don't hate american's
it's the american ideals and attitude ... a two-faced person is generally someone who is hated in the UK; and that is exactly why america is disliked.

yes we're allies and neighbours; but friendship is a two way street, something that is sorely forgotten when it comes to the global scale.

as a people most are wonderful people, as a nation your a bunch of niave spoilt brats who don't know what the hell your want but have the weaponry to backup your stupid claims and over powering moralities which you must impose on a world even though you really should be abiding by the laws of god which dictact your suppose to spread the word of god, not ram it down people throats and make them live to a nazi style rule of Policital Correctness.

which is all a waste of time considering your suppose to be a multicultueral nation, yet if as a nation your bothered to pick you heads up you'd realise that really Britian has made most of the global fudge ups you guys are making now and really should be listend to more AS an ally and not overruled because you believe you have the bigger armed forces.

:: breaths ::

at the end of the day what needs to change for people abroad to like you is a government and governing rule that actually lets you live free; not lets you live free PROVIDED you live by strict rules.

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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 08:17
Its because the UK is full of Liberals and they hate the conservative part of the US (people like Ann Coulter). Frankly I hate both sides of it, the liberals complain about money, but yet they want Welfare, and i hate conservatives cause they stuck us in this useless oil war... and for you conservatives out there, face it George Bush, and his hole administration lied, danger to america was not iminant, and you guys also said you "Knew were saddam had the weapons of mass destruction", but when the Coalition forces arrived, you didn't know where they were.

Politics are behind everything, every world hatred, every time we take a piss. You know why we can't piss in the middle of the street? The bastards in DC deam it "moraly disgusting", but yet we can scratch our asses in the street.

I might technically be classified as an "American" but I wish i were not, Cause this is not land of the free, this is land of you can do "what we tell you, you can do."

The British just seem to hate that part of America, and i don't blame them. In the past few years, the Patriot act, George Bush, and the rest of his cabnet have really f*cked us americans, by taking away our rights, like taking the US constitiution and wiping they're ass with it.

Seriouslly, the britsh have a reason to hate us, cause we do not stand for what we used to stand for... thank you George Bush.


Oh and did anyone watch GB most recent statements in london, it was funny cause he would keep pausing for Applause and the people would just sit silently. It was quite amusing.

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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 09:09
You've got it the other way around, silly. Americans hate British because they talk funny.

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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 09:38
<goes out into street and tests the "we can scratch our asses in the street" theory>


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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 10:22
Oil war, shmoil war. I don't care what the "real" reason was for the war. I'm glad they kicked Sodamn Insane's ass out of Iraq. I don't care that they didn't find the weapons of mass destruction. The fact that they found the mass, shallow graves of 200,000 people justifies this "oil war" you guys continuously call it.

Is it me or are 99% of you guys Dubya haters. I'm Canadian and keep up on American politics more than our own. We recently changed prime ministers and I didn't even know it for a week heheh.

I like Dubya solely because I can't stand Clinton and Gore. If Gore would've won the last election, I would've stopped watching TV.. period.. because I hate his pansy-ass face and his "I invented the Internet" attitude
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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 10:28
I have no problem with Gore just his wife Tipper, The bitch all about Censoring CD's, the Radio, Games, and TV..

Clinton was cool though, he got some from an intern

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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 10:35
One president does not make up a country.

I don't care for Bush and I am an American. I think he is doing what he wanted his daddy to do. Its all pretty clear to me.

The USA is the last superpower standing and holding all the money and power, but this won't last as other countries in the world won't let this go on.

The richest country / company in the world has the most to lose and thus everyone else is jealous.

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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 11:28 Edited at: 18th Jan 2004 11:31
Quote: "Why do people from Britain hate America so much?"

Not exactly America per se, but American's attitude, to things like the environment, business in politics etc... And doesn't help having an idiotic, gun-totting President. We also tend to feel more intellectual than Americans.

Mind you, we also have an indifference to Europe - probably due to the fact we're an island - we feel we can get along fine without outside pressure, which for the most part, would be true.

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Chris K
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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 11:37
It really annoys me how one minute America says they want to be part of the rest of the world and be an equal member of the UN, and the next they won't sign that big pollution thing that the rest of the world signed and go to war against what everyone else says.

They just do what they want when they want: of course, it's nice for them when people agree, but in the end they're just going do it anyway and make a lot of enemies in the process.

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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 11:44
Wow, a lot of hate wrapped up in some of those posts.

I'm a conservative and in general I detest the Democrats that are a national embarassment to morality and ethics.

As to the Iraq war, it has very little to do with oil. We have plenty of domestic oil that we hold in reserve and there are dozens of other places where it can be bought. What the Iraq war is really about is 9/11. It is infinitely better to draw fire in the Middle East than on our own respective shores. Given what has happened in Lybia, I think sending a powerful message is a good idea. If we can back that up with freedom and prosperity in Iraq, all the better.

I really don't see any serious American/Canadian/British hostility. We have far more in common than what separates us.

Just my two cents...

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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 11:49
We just say "I hate America" because "I hate the American government's policies" doesn't have the same ring to it.

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Chris K
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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 11:50
You can't blame "the middle east" for 9/11, it was a small group of terrorists. That doesn't justify huge bombing raids on Baghdad.

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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 11:58 Edited at: 18th Jan 2004 11:59
Those terrorists did not operate in a vacuum or without financing.

You right, we need more glassy craters. Let the fear and loathing begin! BWAHAHAHA!

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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 14:06
Quote: "Because were a bunch of rich, power hungry, oil craving snobs who are led by the dummest leader of all time. Thats why the british hate us so much!"

Really? I thought america was led by the dumbest leader of all time.

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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 14:13 Edited at: 18th Jan 2004 14:14
Because what you just said makes complete sense.

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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 14:36

"As to the Iraq war, it has very little to do with oil. We have plenty of domestic oil that we hold in reserve and there are dozens of other places where it can be bought."

I disagree. I think it has everything to do with oil. You are correct however with your statements regarding domestic oil. We do have plenty in reserve. The reason we are after oil is not about supply, it is about demand. And to be more specific, who demands it.

Ever wonder why France, Russia, and China opposed us going to war? It's because they have major stakes in the oil reserves of Iraq and allowing a powerful country to control them is basically handing control of their economy over to us. I believe France has like some 30% of their oil from Iraq, and China was predicited to have 50% of their oil from Iraq by 2015(?, Not sure about that date).

I think that its no coincidence that every country in the middle east is highly unstable. If they threatened withdrawal of oil( or any other hostile act) from any of the major countries, they can be easly dealt with by giving arms and supplies to their enemies and toppling them.

"What the Iraq war is really about is 9/11."

Um, no, its not. Iraq had no connections with Al-Queda(sp?) and the Bush Administration has said as much.

"It is infinitely better to draw fire in the Middle East than on our own respective shores."

Ahh, the Fly Paper Argument. I'm not sure how this works but if I have a terrorist on my doorstep who does bombing a country half-way round the world make him disapper? And how would you know that bombing another country didn't just create more terrorists? I don't know about you but if someone blew up my family I wouldn't be very happy with them at all. In fact, I'd go out of my way to hurt them. Wouldn't you?

"Given what has happened in Lybia, I think sending a powerful message is a good idea."

If I recall correctly, the negotions with Libya have been going on long before the Iraq war. We had nothing to do with them trying to dismantle their bio and chem arms. In fact, we are getting in the way, as the administration is still refusing to withdraw sanctions from Libya even after their proposal to dismantle their bio and chem arms if we would.

"If we can back that up with freedom and prosperity in Iraq, all the better."

I agree with your sentiment, but unfortunately I'm far more pessimistic about the outcome.

"I really don't see any serious American/Canadian/British hostility. We have far more in common than what separates us."

Neither have I. Or at least certainly not on these boards. I'm not sure what prompted the original poster to post as much.
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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 15:46
I dont hate American's themselves, just the government really... and seeing as I face huge disagreement I wont bother arguing... however... the other day I found it hilaaaarious when our sercurity picked up someone under the terrorist act who had gotten through US sercuriy, and this is after America didnt trust us enough to accept all our flights!

nm, just me ranting... im sure its a nice place to live

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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 16:40
Quote: " I do not hate britain I actually kind of like the country it looks like a nice place to live"

Youve never been to england have you . Its a damn depressing place to live. Mind you, it does depend on the part of britain you live in..

Benjamin R Wharton
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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 16:51
It's all good down here in Dorset.

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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 18:59
Ooooh. Careful there my onion smelling friend...

Anyhows, as I said before, forget Britain hating you, they don't really. It's the rest of the world that matters. They all hate you. Don't expect a bomb delivered by Royal Mail (British) basically.

We quite like the fact that we're not the first country that people despise anymore when we are abroad. Admittingly second now, but takes off that edge. Maybe only 80% chance of foreign substances in our food at restraunts. Although Blair didn't help. Smiling git.

Hmmm. Not that it matters. I'm Welsh. So I'm off to burn some more English holiday homes. Grrr

More importantly though, why do you actually care?


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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 20:03
A quote by Winston Churchill is quite appropriate :

Quote: "Americans always try to do the right thing after they've tried everything else."

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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 20:46
LOL, that's an excellent quote. First thing that came to mind for some odd reason was Project Pluto.

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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 21:04
@ raven

I do not think you know what you are talkin about. You callin us Nazis or something. Think about this: what if we never kicked hitlers @ss, Hitler would have taken over britain, I would like to see you to try and compare us to nazis then. Yo dog, dont be haten foo.

I actually dont talk like that but alot of kids at school do all I hear is "hey foo" and "waz up dog" lol.

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Preston C
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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 21:10
Quote: "Quote: "Because were a bunch of rich, power hungry, oil craving snobs who are led by the dummest leader of all time. Thats why the british hate us so much!"

Really? I thought america was led by the dumbest leader of all time.

Thats what I mean! I am american after all!

Quote: "You've got it the other way around, silly. Americans hate British because they talk funny.

Bah, I've adopted that accent thank you very much


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Chris K
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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 21:18
Quote: "Hitler would have taken over britain"

Wow, Americans sure helped defend Britain from Hitler, didn't they?

Hitler tried to invade Britain but the RAF beat him off. I'm pretty sure America had little to nothing to do with it.

America only joined the war once they were attacked - just ignored that Europe was being taken over by a dictator.

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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 21:27
America Rules!
...well, it will eventualy Muhahahaha!

There's nothing wrong with Americans, after all they did give us McDonalds, Star Trek, The Simpsons and a president that we, on both sides of the Atlantic, can make fun of. What more do you want?

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Posted: 19th Jan 2004 00:46 Edited at: 19th Jan 2004 00:47
Quote: "America only joined the war once they were attacked - just ignored that Europe was being taken over by a dictator."

See, this is what I don't get. Here you are, saying that Americans ignored Europe when it was being taken over by a dictator. This was a bad thing.

But now, when Iraq is controlled by a dictator, who killed *hundreds of thousands* of people, America didn't ignore it. That was a.... *bad* thing? Geez. I think no matter what happened, America will be hated.

America does SO much for humanitarian aid, all around the world. They give billions and billions every year to places like Africa for aid, yet people want to slam them when they finally go into a country to take out the dictator because there's oil, and ooohh, a conspiracy!! If Gore was elected rather than Bush, do you think the madness would have stopped? 9/11 still would have happened. What would Gore have done? NOTHING.

Can't you people see that trash-talking your own leader does absolutely nothing?? It doesn't make it right. No matter who is in power, they'll get trash-talked. It's stupid. I trash talk my own prime minister because the guys I vote for never win, so it's ok
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Posted: 19th Jan 2004 00:57
But us people in the US make your PCs. I mean what do you British
make that we need. Something to clean are feet. We have to much power
and we dont know what to do with it.

If it werent for nukes we would take over the world.
We have the best TEC.( )

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Posted: 19th Jan 2004 01:00
Quote: "Not exactly America per se, but American's attitude, to things like the environment, business in politics etc"

I hope you're referring to a stereotype, because not all Americans have the same views.

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Posted: 19th Jan 2004 01:10
I don't hate americans at all in fact I absolutely adore some.

Although I do think bush is an ass.. (but thats a long story and funnelly has nothing to do witht the war..)

Me personally I hate people for what they do not where they were born..

there are some totally dumb ass english/british people ..a lot of them I went to school with...

we all have our share of a$$hole$...
we got Dr. Shipman the 250+ mass murderer and the germans got hitler the americans got the texas chainsaw killer...we all got our a'holes..

thats why I don't hate countrys I just hate people..

thats my got that off my

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Posted: 19th Jan 2004 01:32
Quote: "Wow, Americans sure helped defend Britain from Hitler, didn't they?

Hitler tried to invade Britain but the RAF beat him off. I'm pretty sure America had little to nothing to do with it.

America only joined the war once they were attacked - just ignored that Europe was being taken over by a dictator."

They did help alot, If america had not invaded France then Hiltler would have been able to build back his air force and his army and invaded Britain! I know that America did not win single handed, The British army held out really good but they would not have been able to keep going forever.

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Posted: 19th Jan 2004 01:34
Oh yeah and america sent alot of supplies to Britain during that time.

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Posted: 19th Jan 2004 02:13 Edited at: 19th Jan 2004 02:17
I dont know why everyone slags off everyone elses country coz of wars and all that, its not their fault. Oh, and btw, france and england made concord, america did f*** all to help

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Posted: 19th Jan 2004 02:20
actually I think you'll find england made concorde..about 8 miles down the road from where I'm sitting...(for the most part anyway I doubt if they did test flights just round here..)

I don't think france had much/ anything to do with it .. and if they did I'm sure america had as mush to do with it.

Hell I dunno the fuel tanks may have been deigned in frnace made in germany polished in spain and shipped via

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Posted: 19th Jan 2004 02:23
nope, it was a 50-50 effort with france and england

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Posted: 19th Jan 2004 02:32

Although theres more blue than grey it was a 50-50 effort according to the book.

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Posted: 19th Jan 2004 02:42
Yep, saw the documentary. We didn't sell them to France, they were French.

USSR had more to do with it than the US. They copied most of the plans (spies) and made their own. But it didn't work very well and died a death (much like their Harrier effort).

Kinda miss that massive roar that went by every day (on the Heathrow flight path). Should never have stopped it; is like Big Ben and stuff.


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Posted: 19th Jan 2004 02:44
@Penfold: I bet your feeling stupid now

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Posted: 19th Jan 2004 12:04
Quote: "I hope you're referring to a stereotype, because not all Americans have the same views."

They dont do much about it either...

Quote: "America does SO much for humanitarian aid, all around the world."

And does so little too...

Quote: "Can't you people see that trash-talking your own leader does absolutely nothing??"

And hopefully the ol' Grinning Jackanapes wont be around much longer either...

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Posted: 19th Jan 2004 13:27
I think people just get carried away criticizing other countries/governments. They should give constructive criticism, not flamy criticism

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Posted: 19th Jan 2004 14:13
Reasons why other countries dislike Americans...

1) ''PS:Bush is a retard! America is cool! So is england! and france I guess! Oh yeah and Germany! And canadia!
oh I almost forgot, Australia is cool to! That steve irwen is crazy with the baby dangling and all that, but he is still fun to watch. Gooday mates! ''
You can't start a discussion about Britain then refer to it as England - Britain consists of Ireland, Scotland, England, and Wales. We get annoyed at the way Americans assume they know what they're talking about. Other nations have a more open mind about cultures, when I visit another country I like to meet the local people and learn a bit about the place, Americans prefer to complain about everything. Without a doubt Americans are very sociable and friendly people, but sometimes they need to shut up and listen. If you can only quote 5 countries that you like, it's probably best to quote none and just say there's no countries that you dislike. This is not the first discussion like this, and certainly not the first time I've had to mention all those other parts of Britain to an American.

2) American comedy shows suck, Friends has just got worse and worse, Caroline in the City, Sex and the City, Will and Grace, Spin City... All these shows reek. I like the stuff with some originality, like Titus and Jackass - but they're both gone now, and we're stuck with pretentious rubbish. Have you people no shame?, what did Woody Harrelson ever do to deserve a part in Will and Grace?.
I think that if American TV people started making more realistic TV then we'd all be more understanding. I mean what percentage of Americans are actually members of the Mafia, or living opposite Central Park, or are infalable yet lovable cops?. I reckon it's more like the average American is very alike the Average Brit, German, Frenchie, or Australian, just trying to get through life with minimal hassle. It's a really British frame of mind to grow attached to characters that we can relate to, it's hard to relate to Chandler with his great job, apartment, wife etc etc etc when he's going nuts because somebody ate his schnitzel.

3) We're jealous. Americans seem to have it so easy, I mean we're fed on movies about rich and successful Americans, and shows about successful (yet unfulfilled) Americans, and then we step into the misery that is life in Britain. In the UK, owning your own house is a mark of incredible success.

4) American military sucks in comparison to many of it's european counterparts - yet we're lead to believe and Americans are lead to believe that America is an all powerfull incredible force, yet there's still so much unprofessionalism, complacency, mistakes, friendly fire mishaps... the list goes on.

5) I don't really believe that America has made a big enough contribution to mankind. I can't think of a ground breaking invention, discovery, or cure that makes up for their depremental affects on mankind. Every nation has possitive and negative input into the human race, and with all Americas input, unfortunately I think the scales lean more to the negative side.

I hope nobody is offended by this, I certainly have no ill feeling towards Americans, I like to let people make their own impression. These are my feelings on why I think a lot of people take an almost instinctive dislike to American thinking.


The nature of Monkey was irrepressible!.

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