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Work in Progress / halo rpg

dark heilix
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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 23:09
i am going to try to make a first person shooter but an rpg as well sort of like morrowind but this having more of a futeristic twist to it. but we will just have to see how it works out. please post eny questions coments. thank you.
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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 23:23
Probably wont be finished or barely even started, but good luck. Big project.

dark heilix
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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 23:25
yeah just an idea
Hamish McHaggis
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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 23:43
This board is usually for ideas that have been developed into something, not just 2 lines summing up the theme of the game. Anyway, I'm not bothered, good luck.

Do you bite your thumb at me sir?

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The admiral
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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 23:48
yeh gd luck this is a big project halo in itself is quite big so halo as an rpg/fps will be even bigger and harder. but if completed this would be a great acheivement.

dark heilix
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Posted: 18th Jan 2004 23:56
sorry about the hole fourm mix up my bad but hopfully within a couple of weeks or months i should have some jpegs to post.
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Posted: 19th Jan 2004 03:46
Don't bite off more than you can chew. If you have 'eny' screenshots please post em.

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Posted: 19th Jan 2004 11:01
Another halo rpg. Cool.

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Sticking to a project idea for once
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Posted: 19th Jan 2004 21:37
do you why what good luck

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Posted: 19th Jan 2004 22:37
Do you mean something like Deus Ex?
dark heilix
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2004 04:28
well unfotunantly there will be a hault in my progress do to computer falure and so i must start from scratch again the will be some pics but they wont be ready till late feburary or march sorry.
Chris K
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2004 00:04
What will the excuse be in March?

dark coder
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2004 00:30
hdd corrumpted whilst uploading, lol

Phantom Warrior86
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Posted: 25th Jan 2004 03:01 Edited at: 25th Jan 2004 03:03
no i think it will be criminals stole his computer and hes on the forum at the library
two words everyone told me after a worm wiped out my hd cd burner

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Megaton Cat
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Posted: 26th Jan 2004 16:24
A halo RPG?
Don't bother...

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Lord Ozzum
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Posted: 27th Jan 2004 05:08 Edited at: 27th Jan 2004 05:09
At one time I thought I'd make a good president...but then after I shot that bastard, I don't know...

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Posted: 27th Jan 2004 13:46
hey my excuse is real, i can work on games but thanks to optus's high priced service then their rapid change to "only 69 a month starting march" means i got it cut off now i gotta wait till march to get it back or suffer the penalties, but my girlfriend has it already. which sucks cause there is all this stuff i could download and use for my games but i cant i suppose if i had cd's they do have burners. curse my lack of fundage.

Van B
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Posted: 27th Jan 2004 14:34
Those little USB pen-drive gadgets are soooo handy - beats burning CD's and makes using Laplink look like an act of vandalism.

My big project idea is a FPS RPG, but probably not what most people would expect. Thing is though, I've had the same idea for 20 years eating away at my brain, I mean I think about ways to approach the idea and features every day. In actual fact I got back into bedroom coding so that I could eventually make the damn thing - and have spent the last few years learning modelling and DB because it's simply the most direct route for me.

I suppose what I'm trying to say is practice until you can do your big idea justice, know a good way to achieve every aspect of your engine before you even start. A good way to go about this is to make smaller games, not necesserily FPS, but anything that deals in 3D and has some features you want for your main project - particle engines for instance can be very portable, whereas there are other areas that will engine specific, so it's best to know what your dealing with.


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Posted: 27th Jan 2004 17:46
yell out if you need a hand with that proj van b. i got nothin else to do :/ could help make buildings in milkshape if i can get it runnin

Van B
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Posted: 27th Jan 2004 18:23
I won't be starting for a while yet, wanna make VanMESH (modeller) and that MMORPG project with ya. Both projects that will benefit any future project I undertake.

Sorry to borrow this thread, but...
Uberwigget - I was thinking that we'd build the buildings with code, like we'd have a tile set for all the textures, and the buildings would be part of the terrain. Designing them would be something like a matrice editor with edges, pretty straightforward (compared to a modeller at least). I'd like to see raised pavements etc too. It does mean that the buildings might be a little blocky, but it would give us an intrinsic editor that could be used to create new cities from scratch without needing a modelling app or an art package. For buildings, simple backdrop screens would be enough, just a sorta GUI to let you chat or buy stuff etc. The engine will be script based, so most of the design will be done with editors, I'll just concentrate on the engine and editors while you make the scripts.


The nature of Monkey was irrepressible!.
Phantom Warrior86
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Posted: 28th Jan 2004 01:46
those usb pen drives ar like 200 canadian

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2004 20:47
those usb pens are like 40$ American in nearest shop from me
(128meg not 256)
Northern Fist
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Posted: 4th Feb 2004 03:07 Edited at: 4th Feb 2004 03:11
Why ruin a perfectly good game like Halo by making a crummy rpg of it? I'm not saying you don't have any potential, but sheesh, why not design an RPG that is your own creation, and not some horrible derivative?

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Phantom Warrior86
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Posted: 4th Feb 2004 05:13
while i am a big fan of spoofs i dont believe in crappy ones
halo is fine leave it along and invent your own idea or even use a book for an idea if anyone in the world can remember what books are

"Old and weak think you I am, your mistake soon you will learn"
dark heilix
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Posted: 5th Feb 2004 04:39
well in my first post i said that it was going to be like halo ok not halo last thing i need is a legal battle with bungie but still with that in mind send me some ideas.
The admiral
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Posted: 5th Feb 2004 10:26
I actually thought of a very original idea but I think ill keep this one for myself and maybe consider it in the future....muwahahha sorry guys.

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Posted: 16th Feb 2004 10:03
I can see why you want a HALO rpg, it has the coolest storyline I have ever seen-out of all genres. The Final Fantasy games have very deep and evocative stories, but the one in HALO is just plain cool. It would also neat to see what it is like being a marine and advancing through ranks, and commanding your own ships, or being abducted at age 7 and having to go through intensive boot camp type things to become a spartan (...yeah.. I read the books too )

But the thing that really made HALO was its gameplay. Way more open-ended than most first person shooters. I noticed in the newer 007 games the paths you can take are very small and limited. HALO allows you to experiment. Instead of having tons of scripted AI guys, they just placed a bunch on a field, and let 'em kill each other. You could either watch and pick off the remnants, or save all your marine buddies and lead an assault against a group of bad dudes.

HALO definitely needs to be reserved for the action genre, but having an rpg set in a science fiction galaxy-spanning war is definitely a cool idea. Take an overused idea and make it original and interesting.

Crazy Donut Productions
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Posted: 17th Feb 2004 21:42
If you call it "HALO RPG" like u did the thread... happy days in court However if you want an FPS RPG try Deus Ex: The Invisible War

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Posted: 18th Feb 2004 15:01
If you do anything- 1st you will need the character model, then you need to make some kind of level to interact (a small one) then collision/camera, after you have that compile you can start messing about with what you want (did it that way myself and hopefully something will come out soon)
Hamish McHaggis
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Posted: 18th Feb 2004 19:49
@Dark Helix - How is this idea coming along then? Any screens yet?

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Posted: 20th Feb 2004 00:36
Just for giggles, I hope to capture the Halo feel in a turn based combat game. Check out the game treatment that I wrote as part of a Gameversity seminar I took. (Use the web icon.)

I'm playing with a trial of Cooledit 2000 and a Scifi plugin for some cool voice effects. I think DBP is fully capable of this kind of RPG/combat engine.

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Posted: 20th Feb 2004 04:53
this has to be the most successful WIP thread ever without any screenshots.

next time I post a WIP for my game I'm gonna mention Helo or HL2 or something

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