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Work in Progress / Online FPS: Walk Around Demo v1.01 - Info, Screenshots and Demo

Rpg Cyco
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2004 01:29


Some of you may recall me releasing Online FPS: Walk Around Demo around October last year. Well, after releasing the demo I got into another lazy state and didn't work on Online FPS for a while, but now here I am with Online FPS: Walk Around Demo v1.01.

What has been happening since the last release?
Well, really, I have been thinking more than coding to be honest. I have all these awesome ideas but am lacking the motivation and confidence in my programming skills to attempt them. I'll list what I have in mind:

Weapon Editor: I have actually 90% finished this. (Using the BLUE GUI Plugin, well worth the money btw!) Its a private tool for adding and editing, yep you guessed it, weapons for Online FPS. Why is it private? Well, I don't want weapons to be fiddled with. Plus I think people would be more interested in making levels than weapons for Online FPS.

Level Editor: I have only started on the interface so far. (Also using the BLUE GUI Plugin!) Thinking out all of its features has made me realise a whole lot of crap I have to code if I want it to be decent. Like a scripting engine for triggers, and a item format. (Maybe still pondering over it.) The way it will work is, the user creates the actual level model in a program like DeleD, exports it to .x and then imports it into my level editor. From there the user can place player start position, lights, ammo and health pickups, triggers etc.

Stop People Tinkering: I have also realised that there are so many cheaters on the Internet these days. Such losers. I've been thinking of ways to prevent modding the weapon config files and the like. Maybe MD5 checksum? I am also faced with the task of protecting user created levels from being tinkered with.... Maybe I could generate a MD5 checksum with a plugin, encrypt it and store it in the actual level config file. Then when the level is opened in Online FPS, it decrypts the MD5 checksum and checks the checksum. All this has the potential to be complicated, and I am wondering whether or not it would be worth it. I mean, who would play a Online FPS created in DB Pro if they own Unreal 2k3 or a game like that?


You can find screenshots of Online FPS at this URL:


Note: To the people who downloaded the first Online FPS Demo, I'm sorry but there isn't a patch from v1.0 to v1.01. A lot of stuff was changed around and some stuff is not needed etc etc. Wouldn't of been worth the effort to create a patch. Sorry.

Here is the changelog between Walk Around Demo v1.0 and v1.01. Taken from the Readme.html file.

Quote: "Walk Around Demo v1.01 - Released: 23nd of January 2004
* Fixes:
-Fixed rough edges on weapons 1 & 2. (Socom & MP5)
-Fixed flickering polygons in the Castle level.
-Fixed being able to move while typing in the console.
-Fixed console opening then closing really quickly.
-Fixed weird lighting on weapons 1 & 2. (Socom & MP5) (Mostly)
-Fixed the darkness of the Castle level.
* Added:
-Added a title screen and menus.
-Added 2 new levels.
-Added bullet holes.
-Added brand new physics, they are completely re-written.
* Misc:
-Upgraded to the latest version of the NuclearGlory Collision DLL (v2.02), which improved collision a great deal.
-The player now crouches smoothly, instead of just suddenly crouching.
-The land sound is not as sensitive anymore.
-Renamed the M-16 to MP5, cause that's what it actually is. (doh!)
-Moved weapons.cfg from the System directory to the Models\Weapons directory.
-Turned some multiple IF statements into just one IF. Damn my un-optimized code!
-Added Online FPS logo at the top of the Readme.html file.
-Fixed a few display bugs in the Readme.html file for Mozilla based browsers.
-Now using a Settings Parser released by Kevin Picone of Underware Design. Settings files are now much more simpler.
* Known Issues:
-Jumping up slopes is a bit dodgy.
-Re-spawning does not work. It should be really simple to code, but it just won't work. Spastic thing.
-Some weird lighting still appears on weapons 1 & 2. (Socom & MP5)"

Download Link: Online FPS: Walk Around Demo v1.01 - 5.68MB - Its packaged in a self extracting WinRAR file.


I am looking for a decent modeller to create some decent looking weapon models. With hands and arms as well as animations. I'm looking at about 8 to 10 weapons total in Online FPS. I know its asking a lot, but even the crappest game looks good with decent models. If you want to do this, please email me at and we can talk about it more.

As always, your comments and feedback are greatly appreciated. Thanks


Rpg Cyco

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Posted: 23rd Jan 2004 01:34
How long did it take you to write this?

Downloading right now...
Rpg Cyco
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2004 01:39
I've been working on it off and on since August 2002.


Rpg Cyco

Rpg Cyco
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Posted: 24th Jan 2004 14:06
Any comments? Anyone? I spent ages writing that post.


Rpg Cyco

Rob K
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Posted: 24th Jan 2004 14:22
Hi RPG Cyco,

Certainly looks great - I'll post here later when I've had a chance to test it properly.

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Rob K
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Posted: 24th Jan 2004 14:45
That's a pretty good FPS engine

The collision is good, the only issue I found was that you can jump up INTO the ceiling if jump down a ramp. Other than that not much wrong. Looks quite professional.

I like the punchy SoundFX.

With a working multiplayer element this could be great fun

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Rpg Cyco
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Posted: 24th Jan 2004 15:14 Edited at: 25th Jan 2004 04:20
Quote: "The collision is good, the only issue I found was that you can jump up INTO the ceiling if jump down a ramp."

Yeah, this needs to be worked out. Or I could just make the tunnels higher.

Quote: "Other than that not much wrong. Looks quite professional."


Quote: "With a working multiplayer element this could be great fun"

Indeed. I do have basic multiplayer working. (Sends movement, you can shoot each other, frags are counted and there is a scoreboard.) But its not very optimized. It uses strings (therefore big packet size?) and parses the data into an array which my guess is a pretty slow way of doing things. I need to switch to memblocks, but I don't fully understand them yet.

Anyway, thanks again for the comments. Much appreciated.


Rpg Cyco

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Posted: 24th Jan 2004 19:21
Looks nice! The menu does look quite professional. I really liked the smooth movement. I think it had more of a "solid" feel that other FPS's I've played made in DB. Did you make those SoundFX? They sound pretty good.

Anyways, lookin good.

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Posted: 24th Jan 2004 23:25
SoundFX are from counter-strike I think, nice job mate . keep up the good work

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the desktops
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Posted: 24th Jan 2004 23:59
Continue work hard.

TheDesktops Software
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Rpg Cyco
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Posted: 25th Jan 2004 04:26
Aluminum Pork:

Quote: "Looks nice! The menu does look quite professional. I really liked the smooth movement. I think it had more of a "solid" feel that other FPS's I've played made in DB. Did you make those SoundFX? They sound pretty good.

Anyways, lookin good."

Thanks. Yeah I was very happy about how the title screen turned out. The movement is awesome, was coded by a friend of mine (See the Credits in the Readme). He is good at maths, and can think things out better than myself. The SFX are from Counter Strike. Love your name btw, lol.


Quote: "SoundFX are from counter-strike I think, nice job mate. keep up the good work"

Indeed they are, I wonder if I will have a problem by using them. I hope not. Thanks for the kind words.


Quote: "Continue work hard."

Thats the plan.

Thanks again everyone.


Rpg Cyco

Ian T
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Posted: 28th Jan 2004 00:37
Seems nice.

Theoretically, couldn't the position and frag and shot data be loaded into a string that is transformed by val() into a float... send the float for its smaller size... then transform it with str(), dissect it, and grab the seperate values ?

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Rpg Cyco
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Posted: 28th Jan 2004 03:23
Yes thats possible, but might be more trouble than its worth. Thanks for the idea though.


Rpg Cyco

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Posted: 28th Jan 2004 03:41
Nice. played it (just one stage) and it was good. I think im going to
just get that NGC its great. Man I wish I could help.

I dont know how to spell
Rpg Cyco
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Posted: 28th Jan 2004 03:49
Quote: "Nice. played it (just one stage) and it was good."


Quote: "I think im going to just get that NGC its great."

Yeah, its awesome.

Quote: "Man I wish I could help."

Well, I'm after a modeler! But no worries if you can't.


Rpg Cyco

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Posted: 28th Jan 2004 04:40 Edited at: 28th Jan 2004 04:44
I dont know how to model, but I do good animations. If you need help
in that I could take some time off to do some animations for you.
But the models have to be bonde already.

I need some webspace to put up some of my demos. But ill email you
a demo.

I dont know how to spell

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