got a nesting error
i'v been playing around with it have no clue
so far whole game code
rem Make a simple scene for the camera to look at
make matrix 1,10000.0,10000.0,25,25
load bitmap "floor1.bmp",1
get image 1,0,0,256,256
delete bitmap 1
prepare matrix texture 1,1,2,2
randomize matrix 1,50.0
set matrix height 1,12,12,300.0
update matrix 1
rem Create blob character to follow
make object sphere 1,50.0
Rem Make bullet
Make Object Sphere 4,2
Hide Object 4
rem Set variables for character position
rem Activate manual sync
sync on
rem Begin loop
rem Control camera with arrow keys
if upkey()=1 then x#=newxvalue(x#,a#,10) : z#=newzvalue(z#,a#,10)
if downkey()=1 then x#=newxvalue(x#,a#,-10) : z#=newzvalue(z#,a#,-10)
if leftkey()=1 then a#=wrapvalue(a#-10.0)
if rightkey()=1 then a#=wrapvalue(a#+10.0)
if Mouseclick()=1 and BulletLife=0
Position object 4,X#,Y#+43,Z#
BulletLife =25
show object 4
If BulletLife > 0
Dec BulletLife
Move object 4,60
if BulletLife = 0 then Hide object 4
rem Update character
y#=get ground height(1,x#,z#)+50.0
position object 1,x#,y#,z#
yrotate object 1,a#
rem Position camera to the back of the character
cy#=get ground height(1,cx#,cz#)+100.0
position camera cx#,cy#,cz#
rem Point camera at object
point camera x#,y#,z#
rem Syncronise
rem End loop