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Work in Progress / Quick screenie of my map editor

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Location: Australia (But currently in the USA)
Posted: 11th Feb 2004 16:52
I'm creating an rpg and am just working on the editor and game world mechanics at the moment. Its almost complete and then i can start on the world building and such.

As you'll see i'm not the best artist and i may increase the tile size from 20*20 to 40*40 pixels. Easy to do since i've set it up that way.

so yeah take a gander and let me know what you think. I havent made all the textures yet but enough to program how they all interact and all.

The bottom right area is an inside of a building.
The arrows on the border and the doors that look like they open into black, change the map when you walk over them.
Water you cant move on unless you have a boat
Closed doors wont open unless you have the right key (i will prolly colour code the door to match the key) May be able to picklock the doors, havent worked that out yet.
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Location: Australia (But currently in the USA)
Posted: 11th Feb 2004 16:53
oh and i'm still using the trial version (11 days left) but i ordered the full version today so being in the USA, 2 - 4 weeks and i'll be good to go.
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Posted: 11th Feb 2004 23:19
Looks like a nice editor. I can also see you've put a lot of work into this and it's starting to show.

Keep it up.

A book? I hate book. Book is stupid.
Leroy Frederick
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Posted: 12th Feb 2004 00:30
Yep, i'll second that motion, keep it up.

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Posted: 13th Feb 2004 21:29
k, its been updated...same link

got some terrain help so it looks a bit sharper
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Joined: 6th Feb 2004
Location: Australia (But currently in the USA)
Posted: 14th Feb 2004 06:43
just updated it to include Shop keepers (who store item lists in files) and Inventory.

new pic....same link

Heres a demo of the program so far and how it works in the game world. Feel free to have a play with it.

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