Ok I read up on the GOSUB function and when I have
GOSUB-RETURN instead of GOTO I get
Quote: "could not understand command @ line 22"
ALso I am one that learns better from examples. So if that helps
Rem Project: Repo Soft
Rem Created: 2/11/2004 1:06:31 PM
Rem ***** Main Source File *****
` ****Lienholders Information****
Print "lienholders Information"
input "Name ",lienname$
input "Address ",lienaddress$
input "Phone ",lienphone$
input "Fax ",lienfax$
input "After Hours Phone ",lienafphone$
input "Contact ",liencontact$
input "Is the information above correct (y/n)? ",answer$
if answer$="n" then GOSUB-RETURN lieninfo:
if answer$="y" then GOSUB-RETURN debtinfo:
if lower$(answer$)<>"n" and lower$(answer$)<>"y" then goto lieninfo
`****debtors information****
print "Debtor's Information"
input "Name and SS# ",debtname$
input "Co-signer/Spouse and SS# ",debtco$
input "Last Known Address and phone ",debtaddress$
input "Last Known Employer and phone ",debtemp$
input "Is the information above correct (y/n)? ",answer$
if answer$="n" then GOSUB-RETURN debtinfo:
if answer$="y" then GOSUB-RETURN coinfo:
`****collateral information****
print Collateral information
input "Make, Model, Year ",colinfo$
input "Color ",colcolor$
input "Keycode ",keycode$
input "Have Keys? yes or no ",keys
input "Full Vin Number ",vin$
input "Relatives or additional information ",rel$
input "Special Instructions ",inst$
input "Is the information above correct (y/n)? ",answer$
if answer$="n" then GOSUB-RETURN coinfo:
if answer$="y" then GOSUB-RETURN holdharm:
`****Hold Harmless Information****
print "This shall serve as authority for your firm to act as our agents in the"
print "above described matter, following the instructions outlined. We agree to"
print "indemnify and save you harmless from and against all claims, damages,"
print "losses and actions resulting from or arising out of your efforts to the"
print "above claim, except, however, such as may be caused by or arise out of"
print "the negligence or unauthorized acts of your agency, its offices,"
print "employees or agents, or the officers or employees of such agents. We"
print "understand that this assignment will be acknowledged, and that interim"
print "and final reporting will be made, with all billing in detail."