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DarkBASIC Discussion / Argh, got what I wanted on the matrix, now stuck on cameras

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Joined: 25th Oct 2002
Location: Hamilton, New Zealand
Posted: 27th Nov 2002 00:53
Hi !
I finally got the blasted tile based problem solved, but I've had to take it out and use plains instead because I pretty much can't figure out how the heck its going to work ..

err, I've just hit a few more problems and decided to give up and upload the source so someone can tell me how stupid I am

Anyways, things to fix :
- Swap back to matrix's
- Get movement block to go up and down as well as left and right
- Get the camera position back where it was so that moving left and right with the tile highlighter doesn't go up and down.
-Get rotating camera around a point (so I want to pretty much turn the camera left and right when you right-click

If you can recommend anything for me or you might have some code that could help please post !!!

Island Resort Code

I've posted this on my ftp. If you have any problems downloading let me know so I can fix. 15.4kb.

Thanks in advance,
Matthew K (Mattuu)

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