For your first question there are a couple of solutions. Note, I'm a DarkBASIC Classic user, so these commands probably have different syntax in DB Pro.
Sets cursor up, from there you can use PRINT, and it will behave as PRINT always has, starting a new line with each command.
A more precise method is:
TEXT x,y,string$
The problem with SET CURSOR is it sets the cursor to wherever you want so you can PRINT from it, but it resets to the normal PRINTing line next time you use PRINT. With TEXT you get the text where you want it right then and there.
For speech boxes you just have to write the algorithm depending on the exact effect you want. You could just make the text size bigger and use TEXT to put it all at the top of the screen, or you could use a set of bitmaps that contain the letters and use PASTE image to put them where you want it to go. It all depends on how you want it to look. Most of this stuff can be done in MS Paint.
Crazy Donut Productions
Current Project: KillZone