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DarkBASIC Discussion / I wanna make a game, but i need some people to help

Killer Sponge
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Posted: 27th Nov 2002 16:56
Right, When i mean help, I dont just mean help me fix my code, i can code ok ive bin coding for 8 yrs and in DB for 3 and once you know one language you know em all, and im only 17 but i aint no nerd.
Right Anywayz
Ok I Have a major problem of alwayz starting games and never finishing, normally because the work load involved is too much. I want to see if I can get a few of you guess out there to help, with all aspects, From Code to Models To sounds. Storylines and General Game types.

I do Have one thing thats a must, IT MUST BE 3D
I've done too many 2D Games

Well Reply to this and I'll Check Next Week!
Thx Alot Guys
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Posted: 27th Nov 2002 18:12
Please make such topics in the correct forum, the team requests forum.

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Posted: 28th Nov 2002 00:43
I can help if you want, I have been coding for 2 years and used DB for 2 months but I can already do loads of 3D and Camera commands and I can make simple models

B. R. W
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Posted: 28th Nov 2002 00:45
And but the way, i am making a 3D snake game

B. R. W
Killer Sponge
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2002 15:23
Yeah ok, your simple 3d models? are they like really simple or not, Plus i wanna start this thing from scratch.
We'll need everything, Game Type, Storyline, Blah de Blah Blah. Right, Ok So, Post what you think? Oh and if anyone else wants to help, please say so!

Killer Sponge
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Posted: 3rd Dec 2002 16:16
Oh ive moved the thread onto the team request forum und killersponge needs help!

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Posted: 3rd Dec 2002 20:08
hey xxxpetratxxx, did you get your 3D snake game working? Any chance you would allow me the code, I'd love to try to make it educational, like collecting only the corect to numbers to reach an exact total. Or something...

As you may have guessed from my post on the Team Request page, I need to make educational and I'm experienting with lots of games in an aim to make them 1st fun and 2nd educational.

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Posted: 4th Dec 2002 01:24
Hi rose, the last time i saw you was yestarday, lol. anyway, I have not even started to make the 3D snake game because of some stupid model sizes and then i forgot about the game. I will start it soon though.

B. R. W
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Posted: 4th Dec 2002 16:08
hey Rose, you are like the only female i saw on forum.

xxxpetratxxx, some people do not do what they say you know. good luck on what you say that you will do.
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Posted: 4th Dec 2002 17:58
I have no choice, I chose to create an Educational Dark Basic game for my final year project at University. Whatever happens by June you will see my completed game or else I'll fail my degree.

I think I am the only female in the forums, but that shouldn't matter, I've been programming since I was 14. It just takes longer as a girl to gain other programmers respect.

ps. I also never give up and it I don't get something right first time you can be sure it will perfect next time.

Rose *hugz*

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Martyn Pittuck
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Posted: 4th Dec 2002 19:14
Hey Rose,

Being the only female on the forum must be a good thing.

You get loads of attention

Martyn Pittuck

(PS *hugz* for Rose )

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Posted: 4th Dec 2002 19:15

"I have no choice"

oh, i see. but i would like to see more girls that programs and on this forum. my sisters keeps bothering me that all i do is work on the computer and relax. but she does not understand what i am going through. you know.
i am ok that there is a female on this forum but there is just one. its similar to one black guy in a school filled with whites. i feel better if the school is mixed with all kinds of race from all other the world.

by the way, i respect you the same as a male. though, i treat others the same way i want them to treat me. i beleive that all men(and women) are created equel.

i am glad that i saw at least one female in this forum. good luck on your game and degree. PS, i am not a female.
oh, and sorry if i made you a little mad.
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Posted: 4th Dec 2002 21:20
I will try with this snake game. In fact, if you need help that badly then I will start 2morrow

B. R. W
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Posted: 9th Dec 2002 12:24
Well I've started my game, I got the map all drawn, but I really need a main character. I'm really bad at drawing so if anyone can help I'll be really grateful.
I got Dark Matter, but I really need a character thats cute and friendly, cause its a kids game that I'm making!

I just got your email XXXpetratXXX, sorry the game isn't working out for you. I might do a wee 2d snake game and work on that, I can send you it when I get it finished!

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Posted: 9th Dec 2002 12:59
What kinds of stuff have u programmed before Rose?? You must have had a fair bit of practise if u r doin
it for a degree... im tryin 2 write a game and i got it workin perfectly on my PC, the problem is my PC is
2.0 GigHz... 512 megs RAM and a Voodo 2 equivalent video card which mmeans that when i try 2 run my
game on any other computer it goes all blippy... im hopin 2 b able 2 put some programming experience
on my UCAS entry form when i eventually apply coz i want 2 do some computer programming/computer
science/cybernetics/robotics in my degree and some programming experience (however BASIC) should be
a help. Good Luck

if it works... DONT FIX IT!!!
just tweak it a bit around the edges till it dont work... THEN fix it!!!
-my BASIC programming motto
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Posted: 9th Dec 2002 13:03
o yeah... i forgot, one of my mates (BogBoy2000) is makin a 3D snake game @ the mo. hes got all his models and stuff i think but he needs help gettin the objects to follow each other in the same path when he turns a corner. what happens @ the moment is that the entire snake stays vertcal on the screen and moves in a circle instead of turnin and changin direction (u kno wot i mean?) but im sure u cud give each other a hand

if it works... DONT FIX IT!!!
just tweak it a bit around the edges till it dont work... THEN fix it!!!
-my BASIC programming motto
Killer Sponge
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Posted: 9th Dec 2002 13:51
3d Snakes, that could be easy, Wiether is full 3d movment as if the snake was some sort of plane or space ship or top down with 3D models, Its all easy, If parts of the snakes body where just spheres is easy.

Dark Nights Drew in above me many years ago, I have not seen the sun since, I hate the light, let it be dim, for I am me and happy!
Killer Sponge
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Posted: 9th Dec 2002 13:52
But anyway this thread is going completely off course


Dark Nights Drew in above me many years ago, I have not seen the sun since, I hate the light, let it be dim, for I am me and happy!
Shadow Robert
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Posted: 9th Dec 2002 16:11
hey rosie... start a thread somewhere for your game (^_^)
i've got very little actual work to do, so i can work on a character - my friend suggested a chameleon, and seen some really cool pics so i'll make a sketch in a lil bit

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Posted: 9th Dec 2002 16:53
Hey Rose!
Ive just e-mailed you then suddenly decided:

Im gonna work on the game some more!

all I have is problems with is the camera but Im gonna work around it (easy)

B. R. W

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