I want to save 'waypoint' data in a file.
I created this (read and write strings didn't work):
if file exist("track1.wps") = 0
open to write 1,"track1.wps"
for write = 200 to waypoint
write long 1,wayx#(write)
write long 1,wayz#(write)
write long 1,waya#(write)
next write
close file 1
How do i get the same variables back in memory after loading the file. This returns all zero's:
if file exist("track1.wps") = 1
open to read 1,"track1.wps"
for in = 200 to 205
read long 1,wayx#(in)
read long 1,wayz#(in)
read long 1,waya#(in)
next in
close file 1
rem to check data
set cursor 1,1
print wayx#(200)
print wayz#(200)
print waya#(200)
Anyone knows a simple way of doin' this?