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Work in Progress / My New Racing Game

Underworld 1020
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Posted: 5th Mar 2004 19:46
I am making a 3d racing game. I downloaded "Matedit" to create the tracks in. I currently have 5 tracks, and I am going to make more today. I started some of the coding using a crappy testing car. I got it to move, turn, and I just finished making it so you don't drive into the ground with the "Get Ground Height" command. Hope fully I will finish a few more tracks today and find some good free 3ds cars. I am also still working my other word game, but not today.
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Posted: 5th Mar 2004 19:53
sounds cool, do you have screenies?

if I = 1 then I = 1 else I = 0
Underworld 1020
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Posted: 16th Mar 2004 19:30
I have been working on it all week long. I still need some free ok looking cars, but everything else is going well. I have created 10 tracks in Matedit. I just figured out how to take screen shots of of my game. I took a couple shots, but before I post them I want better car. I also have to work on the menus, like the main one and one to set the sound volume, resolution, and other stuff too. Probably next month I will need someone who can draw because I can't. I got to draw all the menus, but I can't draw that well. Hopefully I can get them all working then just have someone touch it up and make it look a little more presentable. Hopefully I get some cars and good screen shots by the end of next week.
Tim Ballisto
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Posted: 16th Mar 2004 21:02

I have basics for newbies and shortcuts for everyone.
Underworld 1020
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Posted: 18th Mar 2004 02:25
Thanks!, I found a Ok car that I can put in my game. Early I finished the main menu with all of the buttons. I also got some of the sub menus like options and stuff. I figured out how to make a slider menu, so I made it so you can change the music, SE, and speech volumes. I also made it so you can change the resolution too. On the main menu there is "New Game, Save/Load, Arcade Mode, Help, Options, and Quit". I want to make it so you can street race to make some money to get into the real racing and then move on to rally racing and like nascar racing, and drag racing. I want them all. I am going to do the drag racing next. I put some screen shots on soon.
Underworld 1020
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Posted: 22nd Mar 2004 19:43
I finished the options menus completely. I just made it so you can change the gamma in the display options. I got a couple of screen shots I want to post, but I am not sure how to do it. I thought you could just press the "Image" button and then find the picture and click ok. I guess not. So, if anybody knows how, it would be helpful. I finished the first drag racing board. I just made a matrix that was 12x5 and just scrolled the matrix to make it look bigger. I want to make the next drag race on a regular looking street. I can post the code for the menus and sub menus and stuff, of course if anybody wants to see it. So, if anybody knows how to post screen shots tell me, Please!
Underworld 1020
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Posted: 22nd Mar 2004 19:46
I have another question, does anybody know a good matrix editor. I am using "Matedit" now, but its too slow and when I try to raise the tile along the edge it gives me an error and closes out.
Underworld 1020
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Posted: 1st Apr 2004 15:09
Talk to me!!!
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Posted: 1st Apr 2004 16:55
Magic World

BatVink (formerly StevieVee)
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Posted: 2nd Apr 2004 15:05
Whats magic world is it a program?
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Posted: 2nd Apr 2004 15:10

I would recommend reading the manual to get the best out of it.

BatVink (formerly StevieVee)
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Posted: 5th Apr 2004 20:21

Do you know how to post screen shots?
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Posted: 6th Apr 2004 04:01
you need to get your images hosted somewhere. find a free host and upload your images then just link people to them or use the image code. good luck with the game i need to start work on mine after much needed sleep.
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Posted: 11th Apr 2004 02:56 Edited at: 11th Apr 2004 02:57
Underworld 1020
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Posted: 26th Apr 2004 15:12
I am going to hold off on this project for just a while. I am trying to gain more skill. I started a new project to do this. I just bought cartography shop 4 today, so I should be able to make a lot better stuff. My new project is am remaking Road Rash 3 for sega gensis. I am using the exact sprites, bitmaps, sounds, and music. I did all the menus and got all the media stuff I need for the whole game. I used a emulator called Gens to take all the media from the game. I am going to build all the boards in 3d with Cartography shop 4.
Underworld 1020
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Posted: 26th Apr 2004 15:17
I need help. How do you make a mirror in darkbasic, so you can see stuff behind you (Is it possible in Darkbasic?)
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Posted: 13th May 2004 05:03

This forum is for WORK IN PROGRESS not work commencing!

you may have better luck looking for help in the team request forum.
And i ain't having a nag or anything dude, i done the same myself, posting stuff in the wrong places won't get you very far!

best of luck dude.

(consume code till your brain pukes a game!!)

it's faster than shite off a hot shovel, honest.

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