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3 Dimensional Chat / a day a new task...

Shadow Robert
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Posted: 28th Nov 2002 00:58
as my last post was so rudely turned into a "flamebait" by some inconsiderate RGT visitors, i'm starting a new post - hopefully now with them back in thier own little cage not to bother us by stating the obvious

hehee oki rant over, down to business... I have two models to still on my development block here, SaturnV which is more of a textureing job (althought just for fun i built a second model which will also use the same texture) and a Lightcycle for puffy. Don't worry guys if it seems like i'm not actually working on them, i'll be sorting them out whilst i play tso tonight.

For now I've got my eyes set on a new humanoid model in 3DSMax 4 (^_^) ... this time i've chosen a very enjoyable subject as what i'll make - the mouth watering Mellisa Joan Heart

hehee that is probably my favourite pic of her (^_^)
oki oki droolin' aside - this is to be a combination project so a standard game model (quake3) including all the setting up and a CGI version of the same model.

Now the reason for using Quake3 is because i know everyone with Gmax can then join in and see what they might like to accomplish game wise. Also it'll allow everyone to see how I personally create models from the object, mesh development, animation rigging, skinning and finally fully game implimentation.

i'll be giving myself a single hour per nite and at the end of each day will be posting the current screenshot in the forum. There are also to be tell tail problems that are to be within the mesh and will be pointed out with the solutions to fix them quickly and painlessly.

Skin creation will be done by both myself AND chiq, so from me everyone will get a PaintShop Step by Step and from chiq every will get the PhotoShop. (no doubt hers will be better but hehee my personally skinner is the best in the biz hehee)

i'll be starting tonite by sketching out the turn around, which is a good bases for any and all models you wish to created. It will give you a solid base for you to work around, won't be perfect but thats when artistic skill come into play

All the mesh will be posted in Facet Shading to allow everyone to see where the triangle faces are, and also what faces are altered per session to understand better why they're altered.

Please note this IS NOT to be a tutorial, i'm not going to explain deeply exactly what i do and it certainly isn't going to be any sort of step by step guide. If you want to learn from any of this you'll have to keep your eyes peeled, and remember my style of modelling should not be copied as it most likely won't suit many people here.
Just keep an open mind about what is happening - and hopefully it'll encourage everyone to do understand howto make the most of all the powerful lil toys that come with Max.

... hehee and please do remember drool can seriously harm your keyboard

later all (^_^)
Anata aru kowagaru no watashi![/img]
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Posted: 28th Nov 2002 01:14
well, there goes my keyboard!

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Posted: 28th Nov 2002 02:17
i like that picture... O_O any chance you could make a high poly XXX version for a few of us... people who dont get out much... =\ id enjoy that...

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Megaman X
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Posted: 30th Nov 2002 01:23
Where did u find a pic of my girfriend?

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Posted: 30th Nov 2002 04:52
You cruel man Raven! How dare you show that picture! In these tight jeans, it'll be days before I can stand up again

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Posted: 30th Nov 2002 05:01

now excuse me while I clean my chair...
Shadow Robert
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Posted: 30th Nov 2002 12:09
hahaa - i was going to wait until Saturday (hmm 2:00am) i mean today until i started the project as I'd hoped the visitors we had would be gone again.

But :: sighs :: we're stuck with them, so i'm sorry if this degenerates quickly.

Will be getting on with the mesh in a few hours once all my friends log off TSO for the nite... God i'm SO addicted to that game its not even funny.

Ya know she looks like my Ex, before she died

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!
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Posted: 30th Nov 2002 21:52
I'll have to go get a bucket of water and cloth. My whole compter set is now "STICKY"!!

btw, nice pic, Raven. So, have you finished her torso yet?! Drool.

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Posted: 30th Nov 2002 23:58
Shall I ?? should I ?? .... nah !!!

Should be interesting to see you post another organic model.

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Shadow Robert
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Posted: 1st Dec 2002 18:28
anyone else think that I should just tinker with other things for a while, post here, or take this to my own forum where we can all do this in peace?

Puffy, talk to me over msn and i'll show ya most of it as and when i do it. (^_^) I'm gonna take a few days to decide about posting here, really rather not have another post ruined.

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!
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Posted: 1st Dec 2002 18:55
I suggest you post this on your own forum.

Whatever I did I didn't do it!

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