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Work in Progress / What's Van upto?

Van B
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Posted: 18th Mar 2004 10:19 Edited at: 18th Mar 2004 10:36
Hi all,

Just thought I'd post some screenshots of my projects.

This is Twintrix, kindly uploaded by TCA, I'll make a post with a link for it in a mo:

This is the latest version of OIE - note the nicer particles and bullet trails, I have an awesome idea I want to try before releasing it.

This is VANsketch, a sorta organic style are package specially for creating quick concept art.

This is my favourite, just love this terrain test - not even sure whats gonna happen with it, just made it as an experiment. It's made from 2 textures, a heightmap, and a texture layer map, the terrain is created with code.


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Posted: 18th Mar 2004 10:46
I hope you don't end up like me. Starting several projects then becoming overwhelmed and never finishing any of them.

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Van B
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Posted: 18th Mar 2004 10:56
Yeah I know what you mean.

I don't have any plans for the terrain though, and Twintrix and OIE are finished, VANsketch is about the only new project there, and it's quite far into development.

Of course I have another 2 projects on top of those that aren't even at the screenshot stage!. It's cool though, I'm actually quite good at getting things finished.


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Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 18th Mar 2004 11:04
All of those projects look interesting! Landscapes look great, but not many games actually have them. What you might be able to do is land on them from space. I have an idea how to start with a planet, and progressively approach it, then land on it, but I think that you might find it a nice project to try your own version of this. The tetris game is something I have been waiting to try out, and the OIE looks much better.


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Posted: 18th Mar 2004 12:10
They all look really cool... the mention of the awesome idea for OIE is intriguing.... will you let any facts slip?

VanSketch looks good and the landscapes are great. Hope you can get them finished.

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Posted: 18th Mar 2004 12:41 Edited at: 18th Mar 2004 12:42
OIE - looking far more polished since the compo entry, nice work

Landscapes - look very professional, what would the overhead be if used in a game? They remind me of Shogun Total War, and of the same calibre, just without the trees and objects.

BatVink (formerly StevieVee)
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Posted: 18th Mar 2004 12:48
Just out of curiosity Van, how do those side menus in VanSketch work?

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Van B
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Posted: 18th Mar 2004 13:36
Thanks guys .

Without giving too much away, think Dungeon Keepers posession (sp?) spell.
The gui in VANsketch is super-cool, click the green light to shrink the window downto just the light and toolbox title. You can drag them about too, I even added collision so you can't drag them off the screen.

It's hard to say - because it hasn't been optimised yet, but it'll certainly be usable. That demo actually has dynamic foliage, but I'm not too happy with the look of it so I wanna do a better texture first - it actually asks how many plants you want when you run it .
In my old tests with a lower res skybox, I was getting around 130fps on 1.1ghz with a GF2 - it should fly on a decent spec PC.


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Posted: 18th Mar 2004 14:17
Looking at the screenshots above (which are excellent btw) yet again I am struck with the belief that VanB exists in an interstitial parallel universe where there is at least 40 hours in a day. Following on logically from this line of thought, he must be posting to these forums via a crack in the space/time continuum. I mean: how else can he be so damn good and produce so much in the same period of time it takes me to print two lines of text to a screen in a charming shade of green?


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Posted: 18th Mar 2004 17:17 Edited at: 18th Mar 2004 17:18
Practise, practise...

The link, by the way is

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Posted: 18th Mar 2004 20:55
Quote: "Without giving too much away, think Dungeon Keepers posession (sp?) spell."

first person mode? we are actually gonna be able to aim at the aliens ourselves? that sounds damn cool
anywhere near what you have planned?
the landscape looks great!!!

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Posted: 22nd Mar 2004 08:52
so I suppose VANmesh is no longer in development. I was hoping that it would be finished because it looked like a modeler with lots of potential.
Van B
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Posted: 22nd Mar 2004 12:20
Haven't really looked into it very much yet, but I don't think it will take too long - I think I'll be upgrading the AI code as well though, so I'm not sure when the new version will be released.

Certainly not - Waiting for patch 6 before doing anything more with VANmesh, but it'll be finished because there's a lot of features I want from a modeller too, sick to death of the rigmarole I'm going through with my current (supposedly professional) set of tools. I posted a little more details about VANmesh over at LLRGT, similar topic to this over there in the showcase forum.


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Dave J
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Posted: 22nd Mar 2004 13:20
*drools at the landscapes*

Wow! They look amazing. I've always wondered how those texture maps work. Would you mind posting what it looks like so I can get a semi-idea. Please?

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Van B
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Posted: 22nd Mar 2004 13:27
Yeah, this week I plan to optimise the terrain engine, and release a demo - so you'll be able to experiment for yourselves. I'm supplying the code too - because it'll probably be redundant when patch 6 comes along and dumps multitexturing on our collective laps.


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John H
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Posted: 22nd Mar 2004 14:01
Horray Nice job Van

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Posted: 23rd Mar 2004 21:00
Quote: "yet again I am struck with the belief that VanB exists in an interstitial parallel universe where there is at least 40 hours in a day. Following on logically from this line of thought, he must be posting to these forums via a crack in the space/time continuum."

Yeah, me too....or he may be using his Van-PauseTimeAndPost nah it's a joke but hey! how do you manage to program awesome things and post at the same time? whoa!

The OIE game looks GREAT!! I think the units are a bit big (or perhaps you zoomed the camera) and the landscapes are INCREDIBLE-GREAT-AWESOME-SUPER-DUPER-GREAT-AWESOME-MARVELLOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is there any way to use them in DBC? that could help me to improve the sky & ground of my flight sim game...

David T
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Posted: 23rd Mar 2004 22:04
Looking very nifty Van -- I tried to do a painting app a whie ago, but Pro's sprites were hideously slow.

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Toby Quan
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Posted: 24th Mar 2004 00:53
Those landscapes are to die for...
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Posted: 5th Apr 2004 00:04
i'm going to guess the landscapes were either DBPro's terrain commands or memblocks besides looking totaly awsome. One last thing, how do you manage multi-texturing? I cant seem to get it to work in my programs but I'll probably figure it out eventualy...

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