hi, ok.
me and my friend are making an online morpg. About space and space ships (since it's easiest).
we want the players to be able to add objects from an inventory onto their ship (Drag and click). But how do we stick the gun (limb) onto the ship? (object)
how how how how how?!
and where do meshes come in from? and how do i make .x into a limb in first place?!
if u could explain, ty very much
oh.. i found out. sorry :S
umm... i dnt want to waste a thread so. Menus.
Rem Project: goliathwars_gui
Rem Created: 3/19/2004 8:25:18 AM
Rem ***** Main Source File *****
`sync on
`sync rate 60
`hide mouse
`----load stuff----
`load image "media/goliathwars.bmp",999
`paste image 999,0,0
text 0,0,newgame2$
text 0,20,settings$
newgame$="NEW GAME"
newgame2$="N E W G A M E"
settings2$="S E T T I N G S"
if downkey()=1 then inc menuselect#,1
if menuselect#=1 then newgame2$=newgame$
if menuselect#=1 then settings$=settings2$
rem loops (you need this)
try it, do u see my problem? how i fix this? thanks
I'm still quite new to DBPro, although I'm gettin better!