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Work in Progress / LIONHEART (3d action rpg) - update + screenshots!

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Posted: 26th Mar 2004 19:58
I've finally made some progress with Lionheart. It is a 3d action rpg set in randomly generated worlds with random quests, enemies, npcs, towns etc.

So far I have;

-All of the random world generation complete (quests and all).

-Combat is now complete. Enemy AI is done. Players controls include attack, defend and magic. You have three different spells; fire, lighting, cure (as shown in screenshots). Fire damages all enemies nearby, lighting paralyses nearby enemies temporarily, cure restores HP. Completing quests allows these effects to be enhanced. All combat takes place in real-time, and the player locks on to his nearest enemy automatically allowing for faced paced hack 'n' slash battles. EXP is also implemented, allowing for leveling up and character development.

-Quests. You pick up quests by talking to villagers. There are four quests types; item quests, magic quests, weapon quests, boss quests. Item quests are the only unfinished ones.Magic quests involve searching out a location and gaining a level in a magic once you get there. Weapon quests are the same but you get a new weapon (range from spears to axes!). Boss quests earn you loads of experience and let you gain 'titles'. You always have a title, and you must improve on it by defeating bosses until you obtain the 'Lionheart' title.

All sounds and music are in place, with smooth blending music to suit the situation, and atmospheric battle sounds. There is also fully working sliding collision with all objects.

There is little left to do now but to add finishing touches and complete the media required for the game ( still lacking different architectural styles). So listen out for more info.

coincidence? how about pure cosmic convergence!
Peter H
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Posted: 26th Mar 2004 20:05
looks like you have the controls, interface, quests...ect but if you have time you might want to improve the graphics a little... (and yes i can tell that you got those models out of DM... )

ooh ooh i got this great idea master yoda we could make a game! and the game's story line would be...
"Your wife is death. How? NO idea. But it is murder. REVENGE!!!!!!!!!"
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Posted: 26th Mar 2004 22:39
Which aspect of the graphics do you think needs improving specifically?

As I said, I'm yet to finish the media, and please bear in mind that the above screenshots are all taken from the same randomly generated world (I took them all in one go), so little of the variation of graphics is shown.

I also realise I havent got round to adding SET OBJECT SMOOTHING to all character models.

coincidence? how about pure cosmic convergence!
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Posted: 26th Mar 2004 23:22
Shadows --even if they are just a round dark spot on a ghosted plain would make a world of difference. It may take a little fiddling to get the angle right but it would be worth it.
The admiral
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Posted: 26th Mar 2004 23:24
Well the ground textures could use a bit higher resolution or quality or something but this game looks great. Code wise you seem to be well on your way and im happy to find someone who has waited to post about his game until it is actually decently going along . Congratulations i will watch for this game eagerly.

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Posted: 27th Mar 2004 02:28
Looks neat so far.

Quote: " Timesoft - Your wife is death. How? NO idea.
But it is murder. REVENGE!!!!!!!!!"

Hands down the funniest synopsis for a game ever. All your base are belong to us!
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Posted: 27th Mar 2004 13:20
Im playing morrorwind at the moment, so this game gest my stamp of approval!

It looks brilliant!

I got best and fairest for soccer WHOOHOOO!
Night Giant
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Posted: 27th Mar 2004 21:27
that looks really cool. the only thing i can see is what others have said so far, higher res ground texture. i like the dark, deserty look to it. looks like there could be dust-storm at any moment, very nice.

oh, wow. we like orange treble clef notes, just for future reference.

no: website for progs yet.
The admiral
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Posted: 28th Mar 2004 03:19
Hey cool im playing morrowind the elders scrowls to at the moment. Its quite exciting and this game reminds me of it a bit.

WoW is WOW
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Posted: 28th Mar 2004 08:54
It sounds like you've done alot. I like the effect of the magic.
Improvements: Better environment(s).
Better building models.

But otherwise its good.
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Posted: 28th Mar 2004 17:07
I've nearly finished my 'Japanese' style building set. So far I have 2 new houses, a windmill and a japanese castle which are all looking quite nice. I'll post some screenies of the new models in action soon.

coincidence? how about pure cosmic convergence!
Drew Cameron
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Posted: 29th Mar 2004 13:54 Edited at: 29th Mar 2004 15:00
Looks polished!

BTW: Add some very very light rain. That might be cool...

The guy making The Old Remedy - coming May 2004 : 35% completed! Visit [href] [/href] for the demo!
AGK Developer
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Posted: 29th Mar 2004 15:14
look cool and interesting

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Posted: 29th Mar 2004 19:33
Rain is already on the schedule, just to add a bit of a depressing atmosphere to 'war torn' lands (though the music already does this to a certain extent).

coincidence? how about pure cosmic convergence!
Spaceman Spiff
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Posted: 9th Apr 2004 01:16
looks cool!

Takes one to know one
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Posted: 9th Apr 2004 02:46
I have to say I'm very impressed - not the easiest type of game to take on and it looks good to me so far.

Ian T
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Posted: 9th Apr 2004 02:55 Edited at: 9th Apr 2004 02:55
A few things--

Lionheart is a 2d fantasy-hack-n-slash-action game released in 2003... you will probaly be warned to change the name if you don't before release.

The *game* sounds great, but the graphics look pretty bad. The trees and ground in particular. If you used 3d models for trees and upped the resolution of the ground textures (along with adding a bit more variety), it'd make the game look loads better.

The shaded bars with 'HP and 'MP' on the top don't look very good at all. Try health+mana bars with the numbers overlayed on them. Looks lots better.

Also, a good interface is important. It's not very hard to add mouse control and a customizable keyboard and they add a ton to a game. They're also considered pretty much mandatory for 'polished' games these days.

Keep up the good work, it sounds great ...

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Posted: 10th Apr 2004 07:43
I was also considering, a random RPG, is that a good idea?

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Posted: 11th Apr 2004 02:54
I don't know but i think the graphix are not too bad guys... I mean the ground texture is a little low res but besides that it looks very accurate. It's actually the best looking RPG programmed in DB i've ever seen...

GameVisions Softwares -
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Posted: 12th Apr 2004 03:27 Edited at: 12th Apr 2004 03:28
BTW what about a demo?
I seems to be enough finished to give us a demo, then we could see how the graphix look in-game (which is sometimes far better than on screenshots)
Well it looks cool to me, but I don't know why some ppl don't like the graphix...

Anyway I wish you good luck with the project!

GameVisions Softwares -
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Posted: 12th Apr 2004 06:34
I agree about a demo. hmm's original post was a while ago, so he probably has more finished (unless he's been away). You could just be patient enough to wait for him to finish it, it is nearly complete.

Did I just contradict myself?

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Posted: 17th Apr 2004 10:49
Yeah, I've been away in Japan for 2 weeks so nothing new has been done. But it seems like you've got alot of ideas for me to work on. Since I'll be getting a new (waaaay faster computer) within the week I can start improving on the graphics loads whilst retaining a high fps. I may even replace the Darkmatter models with my own so that I can use more objects in keeping with a particlar style.

about the 'random rpg' idea being a bad one. Its actually turned out to be more of a free-roaming adventure based in random worlds. whether this idea will work, i don't know, but I guess that is one of the reasons i'm making it; just to see if it does work.

coincidence? how about pure cosmic convergence!
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Posted: 17th Apr 2004 12:58
cool, you were in Japan! what were you doing there? were you in Tokyo?

Go Go Gadget DBPRO!

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Posted: 18th Apr 2004 02:05
@ hmm -
It seems that the name "Lionheart" is already taken. If you want, you can use Battle Crypt, I give you permission for it. But anyways, the reason I am unsure about a random RPG, is because what if someone was playing it for a few hours, completed a lot, but had to do something else, quits and a new world is generated. Or will you fix this by having a save option? As for the graphics, they look good. I understand that you aren't finished with them yet, so I won't annoy you more on that matter. Could you release a demo?

@walaber -
Maybe he's Japanese? He most likely went there because of spring break.

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