The DBPro.dll file is for an older version, it's not the commercial copy so there won't be any access keys in the start function.
Make sure the .dba file and the .dll file you're using are for the same version of the collision system. Make sure the .dll file is in the same location as your EXE that you're making. And make sure the .dba file is linked from the IDE and not from the line:
#include "NGCollision.dba"
Using the include command makes things malfunction, so make sure it's linked from the IDE.
The "failure to load" message appears when there's a failure locating the DLL or accessing the DLL's functions at startup.
99% of the time it's one of the issues I mentioned above.
I'm pretty sure it's not a coding error because it sounds like it's compiling, running, then issuing the error immediately after the program starts.