hey heres my small + basic code butit aint working, i know its something about the model i created and implanting it (i use gamespace 1.5 to edit my models if thats any help).
Can any1 tell me what i must add or configure
sync on
sync rate 60
hide mouse
autocam off
for x=1 to 6
make object cube x,100
position object x,rnd(2000),0,rnd(2000)
set object collision to boxes x
next x
load object "cat.x" 10
position object 10,-100,0,-100
aY#=object angle y(10)
if upkey()=1 then move object 10,10
if leftkey()=1 then yrotate object 10, wrapvalue(ay#-5)
if rightkey()=1 then yrotate object 10, wrapvalue(ay#+5)
if object collision(10,0)>0 then position object 10,x#,0,z#
x#=object position x(10)
z#=object position z(10)
position camera cx#,100,cz#
point camera x#,50,z#