do u want to lock it to the camera or just have it as a world object?
try this example
rem Activate manual sync
sync on : sync rate 60
make matrix 1,1000,1000,25,25
position matrix 1,0,0,0
randomize matrix 1,50.0
rem load object
`load object "yourobjecthere.3ds",1
`scale object 1,50,50,50
`Lock object on 1
`position object 1,9,3,3
make object cube 1,15
position object 1,500,0,500
rem Position camera
position camera 500,20,400
point camera 500,0,500
rem Begin loop
disable escapekey : while escapekey()=0
rem Control camera with arrow keys
if upkey()=1 then move camera 10.0
if downkey()=1 then move camera -10.0
if leftkey()=1 then angley#=wrapvalue(angley#-2.0)
if rightkey()=1 then angley#=wrapvalue(angley#+2.0)
rem Update camera
xrotate camera 0.0
yrotate camera angley#
zrotate camera 0.0
rem Syncronise
rem End loop
delete matrix 1
delete object 1
fall down seven times, stand up eight