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Work in Progress / Future Racing - Epsilon Alpha

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Posted: 10th Apr 2004 21:13

I finally got the opportunity to do some DBP programming this weekend...

Heres some screens from my latest work in progress...

Its a futuristic racer. Still needs a few things - like opponents...

...and I keep thinking I've seen the name before. Might change it to be on the safe side.

Anyway, What do you think?

If anyone wants to they can try out the tech demo of it - bear in mind there is still a lot to do...

One Common Ruin
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Posted: 10th Apr 2004 21:44
It looks very good. I tested it out and my only problems are:
1. The camera. (when you don't move it moves to close.)
2. The collision. (I ran into a wall and ended up on the roof)
Otherwise it is a great game!


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Posted: 10th Apr 2004 23:28 Edited at: 10th Apr 2004 23:29
Looks mighty pretty I'm downloading now..

How easy were the tunnels/ areas you fly down to create. I only have DBC I was wondering if this was a shortcut area for DBPro?

'Ooh 'eck chief'...'crumbs'
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Posted: 11th Apr 2004 01:01
Its programmed in DBPro, but the process of creating something like this should be the same in DBC.

I created the maps in segments in Cartography shop then pieced them all together in an editor I created, which allows me to rotate and position the map pieces in an order I choose.

The beauty of doing this is that you only have to handle collision for a relatively small area at a time and you can hide pieces that are too far away or aren't in screen to get a better fps.

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Posted: 11th Apr 2004 14:34
mm..good idea....thx

'Ooh 'eck chief'...'crumbs'
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Posted: 12th Apr 2004 16:52
Thanks for any comments. I've done a revised demo, with music and better collision, if anyone wants to give it a whirl.

Its at the same link as above.

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Posted: 12th Apr 2004 18:52
it's a very nice start. I like the graphics, although I think they felt a bit dark, maybe some brighter parts would help keep them from feeling "monotonous".

also there is a very "bsp" feel to the levels... if feels like you took some first person shooter maps, and strung them into a race-track. This is mostly because the levels never "open up" into wider spaces... it's a lot of corridors.

Also if the ship banked when you turned I think it would feel a little more "complete".

the collision works great, and the music is nice, as are the ship models. I hope you keep working on this game!!

Go Go Gadget DBPRO!

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Posted: 13th Apr 2004 11:21
In the screenies, there doesn't appear to be enough lighting.
The camera angle looks too flat, it should be on an angle something like 45 degrees pointing down onto the vehicle.
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Posted: 13th Apr 2004 13:09
Shame it looks a bit naff on my big monitor. I can see its running in 640 * 480 but what colour depth may I ask. Looks like 16bit judging by the heavy dithering going on.

At least 800 * 600 is desirable and an option of 32bit would be nice!

I think game would be better to have cursors controlling left, right, up and down as your altitude is fixed to a certain height above ground and then have a seperate accelerate and brake button like shift and ctrl.

Good start anyway.


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