camera range is what is shown via the camera frustrums.
A smaller camera range is always better than a larger one.
check out this small snippet.
sync on : sync rate 0
ink rgb(255,255,255),1
make matrix 1,10000,10000,10,10
position matrix 1,-5000,0,-5000
range = 5000
set camera range 1,range
position camera 0,1500,-4900
point camera 0,0,0
disable escapekey : while escapekey()=0
if mouseclick()=1
range = range +10
set camera range 1,range
if mouseclick()=2
range = range -10
set camera range 1,range
text 10,10,"use mouse buttons to change the range"
text 10,30,"camera range:"+STR$(range)
sync : endwhile
delete matrix 1
fall down seven times, stand up eight