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3 Dimensional Chat / How can I get Character Studio Animations Exported to .x

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Joined: 3rd Dec 2002
Posted: 4th Dec 2002 01:15
Hi All!

I am a novice in game programming, I am trying to export an object in 3dsmax to .x using directx export plugin from microsoft, I am facing severe problems with the animations & also it doesn't recognize character studio animations at all!, pls help me solve this problem. Also pls does anyone know a better plugin to export .x from max?

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Location: Earth, Brisbane, Australia
Posted: 4th Dec 2002 03:43
You can export as a 3ds file and use the inbuilt converter in DB1 to x.

Each limb in the object heirachy should have a unique name for safe x file exporting.

These are how both programs roughly handle animation


seperated objects for each body component and keyframe animated.

meshs of each frame of animation exported and played like a sprite.


seperated objects for each body component and keyframe animated.

meshs of each frame of animation exported and played like a sprite.

Mesh Deformation with bones MD file formats.

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Posted: 4th Dec 2002 09:59
I tried to!, but when I export to 3ds from max, no animation data is saved!

How can I solve this pls?

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Posted: 4th Dec 2002 16:10
Question is what have you done(step by step) before even animating?

Did you select and link(hierarchy)the objects in the right order,did you mirro any parts,if so,did you use the RESET X-forms on the mirrored part,did you set the JOINTS correctly or do you use the default axis?

Many questions are to be answered for Max is a beast of options!

Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolving
And revolving at nine hundred miles an hour!
Shadow Robert
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Posted: 5th Dec 2002 01:13
lol yeah one of the burdonus beasts
Max doesn't save animation to 3DS in a way that DarkBasic Standard|Enhanced|Pro recognises unless you're using standard Heirachy rather than Bone animation.

(^_^) many have found this out the hard way.

Also make sure you're on a pure Editable Mesh from the Quad menu as otherwise it adds the undo data which cann't be read.

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!

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