calculate the first models animation frame maximum.
eg: model 1 media 1 location. eg: 1 to 59
the appended model will be attached to model 1
at frame 59 and is say 30 frames of animation
hopefully this makes sense if I pose it like this.
append object "filename",prior_models_media_number,last_frame.
if that doesnt make sense then try this small snippet example.
two model media required tho.
sync on : sync rate 30
set ambient light 25
load object "dwf_idle1.x",1
append object "dwf_idle2.x",1,60
rotate object 1,0,180,0
position object 1,0,0,0
position camera 0,10,-15 : point camera 0,0,0
disable escapekey : while escapekey()=0
loop object 1,1,118
text 10,10,"total frames:"+STR$(TOTAL OBJECT FRAMES(1))
sync : endwhile
delete object 1 : end
fall down seven times, stand up eight