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Work in Progress / Get off my land

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Posted: 19th Apr 2004 23:53 Edited at: 19th Apr 2004 23:56

Being a newbie to DB i thought i would try something simple as my first game so i've gone for a defend the base type game. At the moment it has the working title of get off my land. Here are a couple of screenies 4 u to criticise.

Outside the base looking in.

Help - we're being attacked

Looking inside what will be the medical centre

Using the fixed anti aircraft missle launcher.

The idea is very simple you will be gradually attacked by Jets,Tanks and Soldiers who, as the game progresses, will attack in greater number and ferocity. As well as killing all the enemy i have got 3 buildings for u to take care of. One will be ammo storage where u reload your weapons(provided you haven't used all the ammo), another will be a medical centre to heal yourself. The last will be a kind of maintanence building where you can get material to fix your damaged buildings.

At the moment i have got the aircraft, missiles, explosions,rocket launcher and building rubble effects coded. Still working on tank movement and attack but making good progress. Haven't started on soldiers yet. As u can see i can't model for crap.

Comments - please be nice
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Posted: 20th Apr 2004 00:59
[quote]As u can see i can't model for crap.

Your better then me.....
Anyway I think its a great way to get used to Db by making simple it going to be a FPs or something else.Good work so far,I like the idea.
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Posted: 20th Apr 2004 01:00
woops messed up with the quote.Sorry
Peter H
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Posted: 20th Apr 2004 01:03
you could use the edit button...

Formerly known as "DarkWing Duck"
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Posted: 20th Apr 2004 01:12
@DB programmer
Yeah first person although all the weapons you will use i.e rocket laucher, anti-tank cannon and machine gun will be fixed emplacements. I want to get the player have to run about a lot. The pace will be reasonably slow to start with getting faster and faster as the action heats up.
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Posted: 20th Apr 2004 01:44
Quote: "you could use the edit button..."

I'm stupid.
dark coder
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Posted: 20th Apr 2004 03:19
by rocket launcher do you mean the smaw?, i think to more effectivly shoot down planes you would use the stinger,

anyways looks cool models aint the best but gameplay looks good

and an idea from me, you should have it whenever you kill say 20 enemys you get an end of level boos ie: ac-130 which has lots of turrets and machienguns on the sides so you once you destroy it, you will progress to the next difficulty

hope you release a demo soon

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Posted: 20th Apr 2004 08:09
@dark coder
Thanks for the comments. I like the idea of the ac-130 boss. Prehaps i could have some type of super tank and soldier as well. Not sure what a smaw is but i was going for a sort of manned patriot missle system.
dark coder
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2004 00:39 Edited at: 22nd Apr 2004 00:46
lol, a patriot would be fun but its for long distance plane shooting , im not sure about super soldier or tank, but you could certainly have a batallion of tanks or something that would be more realistic aswell as a challage

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Posted: 22nd Apr 2004 08:52
@ dark coder

I don't think he is going for a *realistic* simulation game, so I don't think it matters.

Amist the Blue Skies...
Pincho Paxton
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2004 11:31
Defend the base sounds like a great idea! I have some ideas.

Have an airfield with your own jets. Some of the jets attack the other planes for you, you have to be careful not to shoot them down. Other jets are landed on the ground, and are being bombed. Lets say 10 jets in total. Now at the end of each level you get a bonus for each jet that remains.

Any good?

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Posted: 22nd Apr 2004 12:35 Edited at: 22nd Apr 2004 12:36
Thanks for the input guys.

Quote: "Have an airfield with your own jets"

The idea for the jets is a good one but the thought of programming ememy and friendly AI is a little scary at the moment.

Quote: "you could certainly have a batallion of tanks "

that's being worked on at the momment.

I will try to upload what i have so far. Unfortunatly, my crappy isp won't let me upload more that 2MB at a time.
dark coder
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2004 23:57
get a account its free no ads unlimited badwith+space

building on pinchos idea you could have a drop of tanks for your team or infantry to help you since on the later levels it will get very chaotic :-P

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Posted: 23rd Apr 2004 00:20
I've just tried dbspot but i keep getting the following error:

Mailer Error: Language string failed to load: recipients_failedgodfrey926Mailer Error: Language string failed to load: recipients_failed

I will have another go tomorrow.

I think the idea of allied aircraft and tanks assisting you would be awesome. It would make the game a kind of FPS/RTS hybrid. That would be something i would need to work towards and use in the next version.
dark coder
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Posted: 23rd Apr 2004 13:37
if you email it to me i can host it on my db spot account

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Posted: 23rd Apr 2004 14:40
I can't see what your email address is
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Posted: 23rd Apr 2004 18:25 Edited at: 28th Apr 2004 18:25
Eventually found a host
[Edit] This version has been updated - goto later posts for link

As you will see there is still loads to be completed but this will show you how i'm progressing. At the moment the tanks dont do any damage and you can't die. Also you have unlimited ammo.

Use the arrow keys to move and mouse to look around.
Spacebar let you jump in and out of the missile launcher if your standing next to it.
Left mouse fires missile (manually guided with mouse)
Right mouse explodes missile (you need to explode the missile near the jet to cause damage)

No sound at the moment other than if you hit a jet.
Haven't got anything to destroy the tanks with yet but i'm thinking about using a few fixed turrets.

Oh, don’t wander to far off the map or you will fall of the world.

Runs at a good speed on my AMD 2.4,512MB RAM,Gforce 4 4200ti

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Posted: 24th Apr 2004 01:13
Heres a couple more ideas.

1.Allow the player to get in his/her own aircraft and attack from the skie.
2make the game in levels and after each level allow the player to upgrde weapondry.
3Make it a multiplayer game with co=op features

anyway good job!
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Posted: 24th Apr 2004 17:00
@DB Programmer. Thanks for the input.

I don't really want to make it overcomplicated as this is my first attempt at a game. I was thinking about keeping it reletivly simple so that it would get finished as i understand many games don't get completed. After i've got this finshed i will then try something a little more adventurous. Probably on the same line but with more effort on the AI side of things and more flexabily of gameplay, like the ability to use vehicles. I'm hoping this is the best approach but if it's not i'm sure someone will set me straight.
the desktops
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Posted: 26th Apr 2004 18:07
I think that looks good for the first timer. I couldn't create something like that my first time.

Soul Shooter Online
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Posted: 26th Apr 2004 18:15
Thanks Desktops for the encouragement. That's what newbies like myself need.

Hopefully in a day or two i'll upload an update which will have working turrets. You can take on the tanks then.

Ian T
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Posted: 28th Apr 2004 06:48

Looks great. Don't try to expand past your current idea-- finishing it would be great, and it sounds like a fun game already, and you're quite right about the danger of adding too much onto your first project. Good luck!

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Posted: 28th Apr 2004 18:23 Edited at: 28th Apr 2004 18:28
Thanks Mouse.

Here are a few more screenies.

Here come the tanks

Looking at a tank attacking the base

Teaching the tanks a little respect

Please download and have a go...

Use the arrow keys to move and mouse to look around.
Spacebar let you jump in and out of the missile launcher and turrets if your standing next to them.

Left mouse fires missile (manually guided with mouse)
Right mouse explodes missile (you need to explode the missile near the jet to cause damage)
Left mouse to fire turret

There is unlimited ammo on the turrets but if you run out of missiles for the launcher go to the hanger for a refill.

Healthpacks for player and buildings not available.
No sound at the moment other than if you hit a jet.
Still deciding on what to do about terrain.

The difficulty is set hard as i have yet to sort out levels and stuff.

Runs at a good speed on my AMD 2.4,512MB RAM,Gforce 4 4200ti

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Posted: 28th Apr 2004 19:21
For some reason, I couldn't fire the missles... Turrets worked! Need a crosshair to target with or something. Very cool so far!
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Posted: 28th Apr 2004 20:01
Hey TheOneRing - thanks for having a look.

When u say you couldn't fire the missiles. Were u able to enter the missile launcher(spacebar). on top of the building with all the ramps. You have to be quite close.

Also what spec is your pc and how fast did the game run.


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Posted: 28th Apr 2004 21:27
Ok. I see how to fire the missles now. However, guiding is pretty tough...

Game played with execellent frame rate.

Yeah, just a couple of things you could maybe try

1. Target crosshair on the turret
2. Maybe have the camera follow the missle so you can guide it
to your target. That would ROCK!

This is shaping up to be a pretty cool game!

PC Specs:
AMD Athlon XP 2400+
GeForce4 Ti 4600 w/128MB RAM
Win2K Pro SP 4
Ian T
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Posted: 28th Apr 2004 21:55
Cool game! Here are my suggestions:

-The player moves like molasses. The move speed should be at least 3x faster.
-WSAD should be able to control the player along with the arrow keys. It's the first person shooter standard.
-What's with dropping out of the sky at the beginning... seems a bit odd, that's all. Takes forever to get to your base from where you drop, too.
-Fog! A nice, relatively distant fog that obscures the edges of the matrix would add a lot to the look of the game.

That's all . Good job so far, it's shaping up really nicely.

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Posted: 28th Apr 2004 22:01
TheOneRing -thank for the feedback.

I like the idea of a missile cam and will include that as an option later on. As for the turret crosshair, i don't know how useful that would be because as you've seen the shells don't travel in a straight line but follows a curved trajectory. Apologies if i'm misunderstanding what your indicating.

At the moment i'm not to happy with the way the tank explodes. I think it looks a little weak so i'm working on a way of blowing the turret off the tank.

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Posted: 28th Apr 2004 22:13 Edited at: 28th Apr 2004 22:14
Quote: "player moves like molasses"

lol- i didn't think the player moved quite that bad but i will consider speeding him up a bit.

Quote: "WSAD should be able to control the player "

Definatly add that.

Quote: "Fog! A nice, relatively distant fog that obscures the edges of the matrix..."

I haven't even looked a the fog effect yet. If it is easy enough to implement you will see it in the next version.

What Spec PC do u have Mouse??


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Posted: 29th Apr 2004 03:25
Quote: "
Apologies if i'm misunderstanding what your indicating.

Nope. I noticed the curved trajectory. Still, a crosshair as to where the turret is pointing would still be nice.

As I said... Shaping up very nicely.
Peter H
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Posted: 29th Apr 2004 17:35 Edited at: 29th Apr 2004 17:36
fog is VERY easy to implement...just use..
and if you want to then you can set the distance with "fog distance"

Formerly known as "DarkWing Duck"
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Posted: 29th Apr 2004 23:45
What is the upload limit for dbspot?
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Posted: 30th Apr 2004 05:52 Edited at: 30th Apr 2004 05:56
Quote: "Not sure, i didn't use it in the end"

Magellan Studios - yep it was easier than i thought.

TheOneRing - Missle cam completed

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