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2D All the way! / [STICKY] Tutorial On 2D Final Fantasy Game

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Joined: 9th Sep 2003
Location: Kent, England
Posted: 2nd Jun 2006 19:41
OK here is the link for the media.
Its all there, and I also added a few extra.

Years of Service
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Joined: 6th Dec 2003
Posted: 15th Jun 2006 02:40
hey Reaperman
I tried to down load the tutorial a few times but when I try to
open the zipped file it says its corupt or invalid.

Ive been following your tutorial since it started
awsome job, hope you do more tutorials.

Years of Service
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Joined: 9th Sep 2003
Location: Kent, England
Posted: 19th Jun 2006 19:06 Edited at: 19th Jun 2006 19:09
Quote: "hey Reaperman
I tried to down load the tutorial a few times but when I try to
open the zipped file it says its corupt or invalid.

Ive been following your tutorial since it started
awsome job, hope you do more tutorials."

I have just downloaded the file and it opened fine for me.

Give it another go, and if it still does not open for you then I will email it to you.

And yes... I will be doing more tutorials seen as I keep getting asked for them!.

The next one will be a full tutorial though. In other words, it will not be like this one where you have to add your own lines to make it all work, it will be a complete game.
While I don’t think that complete tutorials help as much as those that make a newcomer add lines, I also have noted that several people on here have specifically asked for a full tutorial on a complete game, so I am relenting and I am going to do one.

I still have a little time to think on what I will do, but it will either be a turn based Space Battle program, a Mech Warrior type game or a good old graphic adventure game with RPG elements.

But keep a look out as it will be within this next month.


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