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3 Dimensional Chat / exporting to .3ds

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Joined: 5th Dec 2002
Location: Australia
Posted: 5th Dec 2002 15:59
This problem has occured randomly before but I cant seem to remember exactly how i fixed it.. Basically after I export to .3ds a model will continue to display fine in 3DS Max 4.2 but when i view it in a DirectX viewer all the faces are twisted in strange ways and the texture is not applied.

I thought I solved this previously by flipping normals but it doesnt seem to work now...

any ideas?
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Joined: 29th Aug 2002
Location: 32 Light Years away
Posted: 5th Dec 2002 17:21
Select the mesh...Go on the utilities tAB(the rightmost tab on the modifier panel) and click on RESET X-Forms...Re-flip the faces if required and save it.voila!

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And revolving at nine hundred miles an hour!
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Joined: 5th Dec 2002
Location: Australia
Posted: 6th Dec 2002 14:51
That solved my prob thanx... I had a vague memory of where i had found the solution before but couldnt seem to find it (the webpage with it i mean). Anyway thanks for the help.

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