Yes... First, make a texture in paint and divide it into sections, having a different texture in each of the sections... For exapmle, if you want to be able to use 9 different textures, your image would look something like this...
| |
Grass | Snow | Water
| |
| |
Sand | Lava | Wood
| |
| |
Cement| Dirt | Gravel
| |
Load the image into your program. Then, In your code after you've made the matrix, Add a line that says...
Prepare Matrix Texture 1,[Image Number],3,3
The two 3's are for the number of X and Y sections in your image...
After that, to apply the image of your choice to the matrix, you would say...
Set Matrix Tile 1,[Tile X],[Tile Y],[Texture Number]
...A texture Number of 3 would apply the Water Texture... 4 would apply the sand texture...
Well... I hope that helped...
Thou shalt not thwart the way of the dragon. For thou tasteth like chicken.