not intending to flame things up or anything, but if you can have a world editor that also handles matrixes very well, isnt that alone a reason not to use a matrix editor only?
I used both, but not extensively.... what I noticed was that when I loded a matrix made in matedit into a DB PRo program, my textures got messed up. It worked fine with darkbasic.
I also do agree that Magic world prodeces curvier looking terrain, the ability to make the textures automaticaly blend is also great, but it is rather difficult to create the base texture.
MatEdit, as the author claims is the easier to use. The author also clearly states that it is not the most powerful program out there and that his intention was ease of use. Good enough for beginers I guess, since they dont care about features much.
I was very anoyed with magic world, but maybe because I could not figure it out... but I felt the editting area was way too small on the screen. TOo much space is taken up by the interface, in my opinion, it even makes it almost impossible to work on multiple matrixes just because you cant see enough of it at a time.