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3 Dimensional Chat / infinity Textures

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Posted: 6th Dec 2002 14:29
well as Iam muching on my brie sarnie at work, flicking through the dbpro site I noticed infinity textures. Sneaky old rich, got me wondering 'whats that then' (plan worked). Whatever it was it was 69$(apparently we get some sort of discount), I played with reptile didnt like it much. But what the hey so I clicked through the sales pitch. To the photoshop users with plugins I guess it may not be needed. But I have to admit it does look very interesting indeed. So when I get home Iam downloading it. If anyones tried it Ild like to hear about it.

theres a nice little gallery here

its supposed convert a picture of grass into a tileable texture? I know there are techniques for doing this but iam very lasy
Van B
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Posted: 6th Dec 2002 14:37
You could do that with PSP if you wanted, it's all a matter of technique. Just cut your image along the middle and mirror the 2 halves, so the top and bottom match, but the middle does'nt. Then you have to tidy up the middle using the clone brush. Then you do the same for the left and right sides - this would give a seamless texture.

I certainly would'nt buy it just to make grass textures, that price is justified if you need loads of textures though.

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Posted: 6th Dec 2002 14:42
yeah I know what you mean. But I think it has a few other tricks up its sleave too.

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Posted: 6th Dec 2002 14:49
lol I dont think Iam doing any justice

paricle animation
procedule textures
flattern texture from an angled photograph

think Ill have a look at least.

Van B
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Posted: 6th Dec 2002 15:14
It has some really neat features, it's a lot of power for your money. Problem is that most people here don't have $69 for a stand-alone texture creator, if it was part of PSP or had most of the functionality of a traditional art package, then I'd write a cheque immediately .

It'd be nice to see a package with all this stuff, texture creation, drawing tools, special effects, animated particle textures, sphere map texture creator, sprite editor etc etc. A one stop art package for game development.

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Posted: 6th Dec 2002 15:17
yeah now that would rock erm + icon editor

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Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 6th Dec 2002 20:29
i know, I don't really do nay graphics stuff (i'm not very good) but the other day I did some buttons for a website and ended up using 3 programs :s

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Posted: 7th Dec 2002 05:13
Van B: "It'd be nice to see a package with all this stuff, texture creation, drawing tools, special effects, animated particle textures, sphere map texture creator, sprite editor etc etc. A one stop art package for game development. "

I think this does most of that infact, it has texture creation, I am not an artist (and don't want to be) but it has enough drawing tools for me to bother with probably not an actual artist mind.., special effects, well have you actually tried this thing, it's not too bad at producing good effects not sure how many you want to see though and what kind.., it does particles and animated ones.., it can create sphere mapped textures too ( I think I saw that in there somewhere..), and sprites it does too, so pretty much all of what you want it covers just how far and at what depth is unsure, I need a texture creator of a reasonable quality without all the art stuff I will never use, and this seems to have most of what I require so will probably buy it, it seems to be supported ok too, so I will finish the 30 day trial and see what change I have floating around.. Oh and the tutorials are good too on the i-tex site the few there are that is.. also it is reaonably easy to learn..

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