Hi Bear,
Yeah I have been doing this kind of thing for a while. I have completed study in Audio Engineering. I'm not all that skilled when it comes to music composition itself, however I do enjoy it immensely
During my AE study I spent a lot of time with both ProTools and Cubase. Our main studio at SAE featured a complete ProTools HD Cubed system coupled to a DigiDesign Control 24 control surface. We also had another studio with ProTools/Cubase and a Yamaha O1V mixer/control surface.
ProTools is an overpriced but competent audio recording package. It is pretty much tied to proprietry hardware and really only does one thing well and that is recording/processing audio ie. recording a band in a studio. Although it does support MIDI sequencing, using Protools for this task is like trying to nail **** to a wall.
Cubase on the other hand is like a baby, hardware independant, emulation of ProTools. It's is primarily also an audio recording package and also supports MIDI sequencing but again its a real mission to do so. Cubase's 'Piano Roll' is almost as bad as ProTools. Steinberg, the creators of Cubase must be given credit for their development of both the ASIO and VST standards, unfortunately I can't give them much credit for Cubase.
FL Studio Producer Edition on the other hand is primarily a sequencer (supporting VST/VSTi, DX/DXi, and FL Native plugins including a MIDI out plugin) that can also record audio. Recording is a relatively new addition and so will improve over time. FL Studio includes free updates for life to the package version you purchase and is updated at least every 6 months and the updates are huge
After having used all three of these packages extensively, including a few others as well such as the atrocious Reason (oh I feel so violated), I can say without a doubt that for sequencing you simply cannot beat FL Studio. The interface, although drab to some, is just so damn intuative it's scary. Dieder Dambrin (the author) is extremely skilled when it comes to interface design.
Don't let the low price throw you. These guys simply believe that reasonably priced software will ensure volume sales. I can't argue with that logic and it works for them.
Download the demo. You can't go wrong. The only thing that's disabled is saving of projects. You can still export to wav or mp3
If you decided to purchase you can expect to recieve regular updates and enjoy the full support of a vibrant community via the exclusive FL Studio forums. Gol (Dider Dambrin) and other members of staff are an active part of the community.
I must sound like a bit of a 'Fan Boy' which I suppose to a degree is true. But believe me, if you buy you will find it pretty damn hard not to become a 'Fan Boy' yourself. It's just damn fine software at a damn fine price
One last thing. Although FL Studio will function best when run an a professional ASIO 1.0 or 2.0 capable audio card (audio recording infact requires this) it has full support for DirectX capabale cards, albiet with higher latencies.
Anyway I hope this info has been usefull
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