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Work in Progress / vanMESH Vertice lightmapper test screenies

Van B
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Posted: 5th May 2004 13:21
Hiya all,

Haven't uploaded any screenies in a while so I thought I'd show you my test vertice lightmapper from vanMESH. Really it's more for levels than animated models - a vertice lightmapped model with lighting disabled will run about 10% faster than a standard model, that may not sound much, but this also means I can save the DX lights for effects.

I love how the chic's face is so defined after the lightmap, even though it's untextured.


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Posted: 5th May 2004 14:01
looks very impressive! nice to see some screens from you

it feels like it's about time for another compo to get everyone posting updates on their projects again

Go Go Gadget DBPRO!

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Van B
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Posted: 5th May 2004 14:58
Tell me about it!

What with waiting for patch 6, I reckon a lot of people are waiting before doing too much work on their projects. I just did the lightmapper to test an idea, it's only about 12 lines of code. I have a lot more time to play with DBPro now, so I might get a beta of vanmesh finished sooner than I thought. I've decided that it'll double as a level entity editor too, for my own engine - and FPSC (through .x models at least). My major game project needs vanmesh you see.


The nature of Monkey was irrepressible!.
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Posted: 5th May 2004 17:20
Wow! Good job dude
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Posted: 5th May 2004 20:01 Edited at: 5th May 2004 20:02
Lookin good Van

PS is that floor bumpmapped or is it just a fancy texture?

David T
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Posted: 5th May 2004 21:13
Quote: "I just did the lightmapper to test an idea, it's only about 12 lines of code."

0_0 snippet?

Ah, I remember this.

As always it's looking great

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Posted: 5th May 2004 23:56
That looks excellent Van. I also really love the lighting on the chic.

Quote: "it's only about 12 lines of code."

12 lines!?! Excellent work! I'd ask you to explain the process yet I believe you already have in another thread.

Keep up the good work and keep us updated on VanMesh.

A book? I hate book. Book is stupid.
(Formerly known as Yellow)

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