well saving and loading is actually quite easy once you get to grips wth it.
Basically you open a file
open to write 1,"filename.txt"
dont use the make file command. i dont know what that command is tehre for. it will just mess up
then youjust rwite all your data to this file using the:
write string
write float
write real
make sure you note the order tho
maybe make a rem somewhere
like before the open to write command do this
Player name - STRING
Player HP - Float
because when it comes to loading you have to do the exact opposite of what ytou did to save. You use OPEN TO READ. then you READ string instead of WRITE. and you have to read the stuff in the same order as you wrote it.
Hope that clears it up for you. Im terrible at explaining tho so if you dont get it then ask again.
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