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3 Dimensional Chat / DirectX and 3ds animations with DBPRO

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Joined: 1st Dec 2002
Location: Spain
Posted: 8th Dec 2002 15:02
Hello everybody,

I haven't been able to create my own .x animated files.
Does anyone know about a working export.x animation program?
I have tried with 3D exploration, Deep exploration, and several plugins for 3dsmax 3 and 4. The 3ds animations, for example, are not correctly translated.

I currently use 3ds animations that work properly with traditional Dark Basic, and use the .x animated files that came with 3 Games Creator (the only .x animated files that ever have worked, althoug I cannot edit them, once again, Recommended program for editing .x animations?)

I do not use 3ds transformations, only 'straight-simple' movements, since they are the only that work with DB (which complicates the animation creation a lot).

Should I convert DirectX 7 .x files to newer 8.1 .x version, now that DBPRO supports DirectX 8.1?

Which version of 3dmax should I use? (Right now I use 4.0 but I've heard about the upgrading to the new 5.0)

Thanks in advance!

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